Sunday, February 10, 2019

Shock in my town

Shock in my town
Velvet underground

Ho sentito urla di furore
Di generazioni, senza più passato
Di neo-primitivi
Rozzi cibernetici signori degli anelli
Orgoglio dei manicomi

Shock in my town
Velvet underground

Ho incontrato allucinazioni
Stiamo diventando come degli insetti;
simili agli insetti
Nelle mie orbite si scontrano tribù di sub-urbani
Di aminoacidi

Latenti shock
Shock addizionali, shock addizionali
Sveglia Kundalini
Sveglia Kundalini, sveglia Kundalini
Per scappare via dalla paranoia
Come dopo un viaggio con la mescalina
che finisce male
Nel ritorno

Shock in my town © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Shock in my town" is a dystopian portrait of a civilization regressing to a primitive state, where barbarity and technology co-exist. It should be understood that in the world of Gurdjieff embraced by Battiato, Kundalini is viewed negatively, as it is "the power of the imagination, the power of fantasy, that usurps the place of a real function." So in this apocalypse, reality and fiction, and dreaming and wakefulness are reversed.

Shock in my town
Velvet Underground

I heard the outcry of fury
of generations, with no more past,
of neo-primitives
uncouth cybernauts, gentlemen of the rings,
the pride of the psych wards.

Shock in my town
Velvet Underground

I encountered hallucinations.
We’re becoming like some insects,
similar to the insects.
In my orbits collide tribes of sub-urbanites
of amino acids.

Dormant shocks,
(additional shocks, additional shocks)
Awaken Kundalini
(awaken Kundalini, awaken Kundalini)
to get away from paranoia,
(like after a trip with mescaline
that doesn’t end well)
upon return.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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