Sunday, February 3, 2019

Quello che fu - That Which Was

Ah! Questo passato
Dove il mio rifugio presso di te
Fu quello che fu
Dove la polvere più pura sulla tua soglia
Fu quella che fu
Duri come pietre
Come due amici eravamo insieme
Preso del tuo cuore
Ho detto che il nostro legame
Fu quello che fu

Non ci poteva niente
Non potevo immaginarmi senza
La follia
Fu quella che fu
Fu quella che fu

L'impero delle parole
La distinzione tra bene e male
La ripida discesa dal cielo alla terra
Verso l'incarcerazione
Fu quello che fu
La circumnavigazione
I nomi che si diedero alle cose
La gioia e il dolore dell'esistere
L'enigma del consenso
Le emozionali imprese della specie
Fu quello che fu
Tutto fu quello che fu
Quel che deve ancora avvenire
Il sorgere della città di Dio
L'emblema che ci fa forti e sicuri
Oppure pazzi e disperati

Ti gridavo: sono disperso

Quello che fu © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

Ah, this past
where my shelter, in your nearness,
was what it was.
Where the purest dust on your doorstep
was what it was.
Hard like rocks,
like two friends we were together.
Taken by your heart,
I said that our connection
was what it was.

we were powerless (??)
I couldn’t imagine myself without
the madness.
It was what it was.
It was what it was.

The empire of words,
the distinction between good and bad,
the steep descent from Heaven to Earth,
towards the incarceration –
it was what it was.
The circumnavigation,
the names that were given to things,
the joy and the sadness of existing,
the enigma of the agreement,
the emotional undertakings of the species –
it was what it was.
Everything was what it was.
That which still has to take place,
the emergence of the city of God,
the emblem that makes us strong and secure,
or else crazy and desperate.

I shouted to you: I am missing,

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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