Thursday, February 7, 2019

Il ballo del potere - The Power Dance

Ti muovi sulla destra poi sulla sinistra
Resti immobile sul centro
Provi a fare un giro su te stesso,
un giro su te stesso
You miss me and I miss you

Fingi di riandare avanti con un salto
Poi a sinistra con la finta
che stai andando a destra
Che stai andando a destra
You miss me and I miss you

Poi si aggiungono i pensieri
Con un movimento indipendente dalla testa,
dalle gambe
Con un movimento dissociato dalla testa,
dalle gambe

I Pigmei dell'Africa,
si siedono per terra
Con un rito di socialità
Tranquilli fumano l'erba

The circle symbolizes T'ai Chi
which is formless and above duality
Here it is manifesting itself
as the progenitor of the universe
It is divided into Yin (the dark)
and Yang (the light)
which signify the negative and positive poles.
Pairs of opposites, passive and active,
female and male,
Moon and Sun

Gli aborigeni d'Australia
si stendono sulla terra
Con un rito di fertilità
Vi lasciano il loro sperma

Il ballo del potere © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

The "Power Dance" referred to in the title is that practiced by shamans in ancient Mexico and described by Carlos Castaneda in his books - magical passes and positions and movements of the body designed to attract and hold on to powerful energies.

You move to the right then to the left,
you stay unmoving in the center.
You try to make a trip around yourself,
a trip around yourself.
You miss me and I miss you.

You fake going ahead again with a jump,
then to the left with a fake
that you’re going to the right,
that you’re going to the right.
You miss me and I miss you.

Then thoughts are added
with an independent movement of the head,
of the legs,
with a dissociated movement of the head,
of the legs.

The Pygmies of Africa
seat themselves on the ground
with a social ritual.
Tranquil, they smoke weed.

The circle symbolizes Tai Chi,
which is formless and above duality.
Here it is manifesting itself
as the progenitor of the universe.
It is divided into Yin (the dark)
and Yang (the light)
which signify the negative and positive poles.
Pairs of opposites, passive and active,
female and male,
Moon and Sun,

The aborigines of Australia
stretch out on the ground
with a fertility rite.
They leave you their sperm.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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