Wednesday, February 6, 2019

La preda - The Prey

E scivola la sera tra i luoghi
che attirano il mio sguardo
La mia attenzione
Dormo solo poche ore
La caffeina scuote le mie voglie
Sto sempre sveglio, ho voglia di arditezze
Non saremo più né tu né io

Cerca di restare immobile, non parlare
Lento il respiro all'unisono rallenta il cuore
Muta la furia in ebbrezza in tenerezza
Lasciati andare
Lasciati andare
Fino ad arrivare all'estasi
Con me

Volare così in alto da afferrare la preda ambita
Senza luoghi comuni né vane parole
Si intrecciano lenzuola
come sacre bende di sacerdoti egiziani
Non saremo più né tu né io
né tu né io

Cerca di restare immobile, non parlare
Lento il respiro all'unisono rallenta il cuore
Muta la furia in ebbrezza in tenerezza
Lasciati andare
Lasciati andare
Fino ad arrivare all'estasi
Con me

La preda © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"La preda" describes a Tantric orgasm that pervades both body and spirit.

And the evening slips through the places
that attract my gaze,
my attention.
I sleep only a few hours,
the caffeine shakes my desires.
I stay awake always, I feel risky,
we’ll no longer be neither you nor I.

Try to remain still, don’t talk,
slow the breath, in unison the heart slows.
Mute the fury in intoxication, in tenderness.
Let yourself go,
let yourself go,
until arriving at ecstasy
with me.

Flying high like this to catch the coveted prey
without common places or vane words.
Sheets intertwine
like sacred bandages of Egyptian priests.
We’ll no longer be neither you nor I,
neither you nor I.

Try to remain still, don’t talk,
slow the breath, in unison the heart slows.
Mute the fury in intoxication, in tenderness.
Let yourself go,
let yourself go,
until arriving at ecstasy
with me.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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