Le pareti (le pareti) del cervello (cervello, cervello) Non hanno (non hanno più, non hanno più) più finestre (finestre, finestre, finestre) Le pareti (le pareti) del cervello (cervello, cervello) Non hanno (non hanno più, non hanno più) più finestre (finestre, finestre, finestre) I colori (i colori, i colori) del buio (del buio, del buio, del buio) © 2014 Franco Battiato & Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola Leoncavallo is a social/cultural center in Milan founded in the turbulent 1970s when a number of workers and leftist groups occupied an abandoned warehouse. It currently hosts concerts, debates, and other cultural events. The song is composed in part from live concert material, including one presented near Leoncavallo. |
The walls (the walls) of the brain (brain, brain) Don’t have (don’t have anymore) anymore windows (windows, windows, windows) The walls (the walls) of the brain (brain, brain) Don’t have (don’t have anymore) anymore windows (windows, windows, windows) The colors (the colors, the colors) of the darkness (darkness, darkness, darkness) English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Joe Patti's experimental group was released in 2014. It marks a return of the experimental, electronic-music side of Battiato, in collaboration with sound and mix engineer Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola. Joe Patti was Battiato's maternal uncle, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Six of the eleven tracks are instrumental only. |
Franco Battiato - musician, singer/songwriter, composer of electronic, avant-garde and classical music, filmmaker, painter, student of history and of esoteric and spiritual traditions. Battiato was by turns intellectual, poetic, visceral and meditative; his musical journey and artistic voice are absolutely unique in the landscape of Italian pop music. His career was marked by multiple reinventions as he followed his muse for over fifty years of making music and meaning.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Le voci si faranno presenze - Voices Will Make Themselves Presences
Sai sai sai Dire addio Ai ai ai Giorni felici Ascolta nel fondo dell'ombra Una visione ti viene incontro Un giorno senza tramonto Le voci si faranno presenze, presenze Le voci si faranno presenze © 2014 Franco Battiato & Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola "Le voci si faranno presenze" is a reworking of a ghost track found on the Fleurs album. |
You know, you know, you know how to say farewell to the, to the, to the happy days. Listen in the depth of the shadow A vision comes to you A day without sunset Voices will make themselves presences, presences. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Joe Patti's experimental group was released in 2014. It marks a return of the experimental, electronic-music side of Battiato, in collaboration with sound and mix engineer Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola. Joe Patti was Battiato's maternal uncle, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Six of the eleven tracks are instrumental only. |
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Come un branco di lupi - Like a Pack of Wolves
Come un branco di lupi che scende dagli altipiani ululando O uno sciame di api accanite divoratrici di petali odoranti Precipitano roteando come massi da altissimi monti in rovina Come un branco di lupi © 2014 Franco Battiato & Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola "Come un branco di lupi" is a reworking of "L'ignoto," with text taken from "Inneres Auge." |
Like a pack of wolves that descends from the highlands howling, or a swarm of bees, fierce devourers of fragrant petals, they rain down, swwirling like masses from the highest mountains in ruin. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Joe Patti's experimental group was released in 2014. It marks a return of the experimental, electronic-music side of Battiato, in collaboration with sound and mix engineer Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola. Joe Patti was Battiato's maternal uncle, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Six of the eleven tracks are instrumental only. |
Monday, December 2, 2019
Ti porto con me segunda feira de Lisboa nel mio antico mare nell'Acqua occidentale, nel Mediterraneo affollato di navi e corpi d'ignudi nuotatori. Fanciulli con sguardo da fiere, gli occhi di lince dei Braganza, fissano il Nord. Sognando l'oltremare, come ghirlanda intrecciano una danza. Trago dentro do meu coracao, Todos lugares onde estive: A entrada de Singapura O coral das Maldivas Macao da noite, a uma hora. Segunda - feira de Lisboa, che nome d'incanto! Qui da noi é lunedì. Soltanto. CERN © 2014 Franco Battiato & Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola "CERN" uses lyrics from "Segunda feira." CERN is the European research organization that operates the largest particle physics lab in the world. |
I carry you with me, Lisbon Monday, in my ancient sea, in the Western Waters, in the Mediterranean, crowded with ships and bodies of naked swimmers. Children with proud gaze, the eyes of the Braganza lynx, affix the north. Dreaming beyond the seas, like a garland they trace out a dance. I bring inside my heart, all the places I've been: the Singapore Inlet the Maldives Coral Macao at night, at one o'clock. Segunda-feira, such a name of enchantment! Here among us it’s Monday, merely. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Joe Patti's experimental group was released in 2014. It marks a return of the experimental, electronic-music side of Battiato, in collaboration with sound and mix engineer Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola. Joe Patti was Battiato's maternal uncle, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Six of the eleven tracks are instrumental only. |
Sunday, December 1, 2019
L'Isola Elefante - Elephant Island
Stille Dämmerung Der Garten ist gefrohren Die Rosen erlitten, Sage mir warum. Stille Dämmerung Der Garten ist gefrohren Die Rosen erlitten. Sage mir warum. Sage mir warum, In einem verlorenen Garten Sage mir warum deine Stimme hören Sage mir warum schweige bitte nicht schweige bitte nicht L'Isola Elefante © 2014 Franco Battiato & Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola "L'Isola Elefante" is in part a reworking of music and lyrics from "Shakleton." |
Silent twilight The garden is frozen The roses suffered, Tell me why. Silent twilight The garden is frozen The roses suffered, Tell me why. Tell me why In a lost garden Tell me why To hear your voice Tell me why Please don’t be silent Please don’t be silent English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Joe Patti's experimental group was released in 2014. It marks a return of the experimental, electronic-music side of Battiato, in collaboration with sound and mix engineer Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola. Joe Patti was Battiato's maternal uncle, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Six of the eleven tracks are instrumental only. |
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Un irresistibile richiamo - An Irresistible Recall
Era magnifico quel tempo, com'era bello Quando eravamo collegati, perfettamente Al luogo e alle persone che avevamo scelto Prima di nascere Il tuo cuore è come una pietra coperta di muschio Niente la corrompe Il tuo corpo è colonna di fuoco affinchè Arda, e faccia ardere Le mie braccia si arrendono facilmente Le tue ossa non sentono dolore I minerali di cui siamo composti Tornano, ritornano all'acqua Un suono di campane Lontano, irresistibile, il richiamo Che invita alla preghiera del tramonto Gentile è lo specchio, guardo e vedo Che la mia anima ha un volto Ti saluto divinità della mia terra... Il richiamo mi invita Il tuo cuore è come una pietra coperta di muschio Niente la corrompe Il tuo corpo è colonna di fuoco affinchè Arda, e faccia ardere Un suono di campane Lontano, irresistibile, il richiamo Che invita alla preghiera del tramonto Un suono di campane Lontano, irresistibile, il richiamo Che invita alla preghiera del tramonto Un irresistibile richiamo © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro |
It was magnificent that time, how beautiful, when we were connected, perfectly, to the place and the people we had chosen before being born. Your heart is like a rock covered in moss, nothing breaks it. Your body is a column of fire so that it burns, and makes burn. My arms surrender easily. Your bones feel no pain. The minerals we’re composed of go back and return to the water. A bell sound, distant, irresistible, the call that invites to evening prayer. Friendly is the mirror, I look and see that my spirit has a face. I salute you divinity of my land . . . The call invites me. Your heart is like a rock, covered in moss, nothing breaks it. Your body is a column of fire so that it burns, and makes burn. A bell sound, distant, irresistible, the call that invites to evening prayer. A bell sound, distant, irresistible, the call that invites to evening prayer. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Testamento - Will and Testament
Lascio agli eredi l'imparzialità, la volontà di crescere e capire Uno sguardo feroce e indulgente, per non offendere inutilmente Lascio i miei esercizi sulla respirazione Cristo nei Vangeli parla di reincarnazione Lascio agli amici gli anni felici, delle più audaci riflessioni La libertà reciproca di non avere legami ... e mi piaceva tutto della mia vita mortale Anche l'odore che davano gli asparagi all'urina We never died, we were never borne! We never died, we were never borne! Il tempo perduto chissà perchè, non si fa mai riprendere I linguaggi urbani si intrecciano e si confondono nel quotidiano "Fatti non foste per viver come bruti, ma per seguire virtude e conoscenza"... L'idea del visibile alletta, la mia speranza aspetta Appese a rami spogli, gocce di pioggia si staccano con lentezza, mentre una gazza, in cima ad un cipresso, guarda Peccato che io non sappia volare, ma le oscure cadute nel buio Mi hanno insegnato a risalire E mi piaceva tutto della mia vita mortale, noi non siamo mai morti, e non siamo mai nati We never died, we were never borne! We never died, we were never borne! Testamento © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "Testamento" includes a quote from the 26th Canto of Dante's Inferno. |
I leave to the inheritors impartiality, the will to grow and to understand. An outlook fierce and forgiving, so as not to needlessly offend. I leave my exercises on breathing. Christ in the Gospels talks of reincarnation. I leave to my friends the happy years, of the most bold reflections, the mutual freedom to not have ties . . . and I liked all of my mortal life, even the smell that asparagus gives to urine. We never died, we were never borne! We never died, we were never borne! Time lost, who knows why, is never regained. Urban languages interweave and confound in the daily newspaper. “You weren’t born to live like animals, but to follow virtue and awareness” . . . The idea of the visible relishes, my hope awaits. Hanging down from stripped branches, drops of rain fall off sluggishly, while a magpie, at the top of a cypress, watches. Too bad I don’t know how to fly, but the obscure falls in the dark taught me to rise up. And I liked all of my mortal life. We don’t ever die, and we are never born. We never died, we were never borne! We never died, we were never borne! English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Friday, November 8, 2019
Quand'ero giovane - When I Was Young
Quand'ero giovane andavo a letto tardi, sempre, vedevo l'alba Dormivo di giorno e mi svegliavo nel pomeriggio... ed era sera, Era già sera La notte, non mi piace tanto, l'oscurità è ostile a chi ama la luce Si accavallano i giorni come onde, ci sovrastano Le cattive notizie, in questi tempi di forti tentazioni Ci sommergono Dobbiamo seguire la nostra coscienza e le sue norme Viva la Gioventù, che fortunatamente passa Senza troppi problemi Vivere è un dono che ci ha dato il Cielo Uscendo dai locali, mi capitava di vedere code di macchine, sostare Al Parco Ravizza o al Monumentale. La merce era il sesso Compravano sesso, e spesso diverso Viva la Gioventù, che fortunatamente passa Senza troppi problemi Vivere è un dono che ci ha dato il Cielo Andavamo a suonare nelle sale della Lombardia, e c'era un'atmosfera eccezionale, la domenica, di pomeriggio, in quelle Balere, si divertivano a ballare, operai e cameriere Era passata un'altra settimana Quand'ero giovane © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro |
When I was young, I went to bed late, always, I saw the dawn. I slept by day and woke up in the afternoon . . . and it was evening, it was evening already. The night, I don’t like it so much, the darkness is hostile to one who loves light. The days overlap like waves, overwhelming us. The bad news, in these times of strong temptations submerges us. We have to follow our conscience and its norms. Long live Youth, which fortunately passes without too many problems. Living is a gift that Heaven has given us. Going out to the local spots, I happened to see queues of cars, pausing at Ravizza Park or at Monumentale. The merchandise was sex, they were buying sex, and often different. Long live Youth, that fortunately passes without too many problems. Living is a gift that Heaven has given us. We went to play in the halls of Lombardy and there was an exceptional atmosphere, Sundays, in the afternoon, in those dance halls, they enjoyed dancing, workers and waiters. Another week had passed. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Eri con me - You Were With Me
Siamo detriti, relitti umani, trascinati da un fiume in piena Che non conosce soste nè destinazione La nostra mente, le nostre azioni, sono la 'causa', gli effetti Invece, il nostro destino Ciò che deve accadere, accadrà, qualunque cosa facciamo per evitarlo, ciò che deve accadere, accadrà Perchè è già accaduto! Eri con me, ma io non ero con te Sei con me, ma io non sono con te Ero con te, ma tu non eri con me Viviamo nell'impermanenza, nell'incertezza della vita condizionata, ma ci ricorderemo di noi segretamente Arriverà il giorno atteso a schiudere gli impediti passaggi Prepariamoci a nuove esistenze... Eri con me, ma io non ero con te Sei con me, ma io non sono con te Ero con te, ma tu non eri, non eri, con me Eri con me © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "Eri con me" was written for Alice's 2012 album Samsara. Battiato presents it here with a different arrangement. |
We are detritus, human wreckage, swept by a river full that knows no breaks nor destination. Our mind, our actions, are the “cause.” The effects, instead, our destiny, that which should happen, will happen no matter what we do to avoid it. That which should happen, will happen, because it already happened! You were with me, but I wasn’t with you. You are with me, but I am not with you. I was with you, but you weren’t with me. We live in impermanence, in the uncertainty of conditioned life, but we will remember ourselves secretly. The long-anticipated day will come to pry open the blocked passages. Let’s prepare for new existences . . . You were with me, but I wasn’t with you. You are with me, but I am not with you. I was with you, but you weren’t with me. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Ah, come ti inganni Se pensi che gli anni Non han da finire È breve il gioire .... I sani gli infermi I bravi, gli inermi È un sogno la vita Che par si gradita... Vorrei tornare indietro Per rivedere il passato Per comprendere meglio Quello che abbiamo perduto Viviamo in un mondo orribile... Siamo in cerca Di un' esistenza.... La gente è crudele E spesso infedele Nessun si vergogna Di dire menzogne I giovani, i putti Gli uomini tutti Non vale fuggire Si plachi l'ardire Vorrei tornare indietro Per rivedere gli errori Per accelerare Il mio processo interiore Ero in quinta elementare Entrai Per caso Nella mia esistenza Fatta di giorni allegri E di continue esplorazioni E trasformazioni dell'Io... Ah, come ti inganni Se pensi che gli anni Non han da finire È breve il gioire .... Vorrei tornare indietro Nella mia casa d'origine Dove vivevo prima di arrivare qui sulla Terra Entrai, per caso Nella mia esistenza Di antiche forme Di insegnamenti E trasformazioni dell'Io E trasformazioni dell'Io... © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "Passacaglia" is an adaptation of "Passacaglia della vita," by Stefano Landi, an early 17th-century Italian composer. A passacaglia is a musical form developed in the 17th century and used continuously since then. |
Ah, how you fool yourself if you think that the years don’t have to end. It’s brief, the rejoicing . . . The healthy, the infirm, the good, the defenseless – it’s a dream, life that seems welcome . . . I would like to turn back to review the past, to comprehend better that which we have lost. We live in a horrible world . . . We are in search of an existence . . . People are cruel and often unfaithful. No one is ashamed to speak falsehoods – the young, the cherubs, all the men. It’s not worth it to flee, the daring subsides. I would like to turn back, to review the errors, to accelerate my interior process. I was in fifth grade, I entered by chance into my existence made up of happy days and constant explorations and transformations of the “I” . . . Ah, how you deceive yourself if you think that the years don’t have to end. It’s brief the rejoicing . . . I would like to turn back to my house of origins where I lived before arriving here on Earth. I entered, by chance, into my existence of ancient forms, of instructions, and transformations of the “I,” and transformations of the “I” . . . English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
La polvere del branco - The Dust of the Herd
Do you know Tulku Urgyen? Have you ever heard of this? Do you know the Seekers of the Truth? Have you ever heard of this? Ci crediamo liberi, ma siamo prigionieri, di case invadenti che ci abitano e ci rendono impotenti Ci crediamo liberi, ma siamo prigionieri che remano su navi inesistenti Si solleva la polvere del branco accanita e misteriosa Ci crediamo liberi, ma siamo schiavi, milioni di milioni di ombre sperdute Rumorosi andiamo per le strade alzando solo polvere Millions of shadows walking into nothingness Ti dico che nulla mi inquieta, ma tu mi dai sui nervi Ho voglia di appartarmi e di seguire la mia sorte, perchè morire è come un sogno Pura, Inaccessibile, Avvolta in una Eterna Ombra solitaria Oscurità Impenetrabile, Intensa, Impervia, Immensa... Ha dato vita agli Dei, nessun uomo ha mai sollevato il suo Velo .... millions and millions of shadows La polvere della branca © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro |
Do you know Tulku Urgyen? Have you ever heard of this? Do you know the Seekers of the Truth? Have you ever heard of this? We believe ourselves free, but we’re prisoners, of invasive houses that inhabit us and render us impotent. We believe ourselves free, but we’re prisoners who row on non-existent boats. Up rises the dust of the herd, fierce and mysterious. We believe ourselves free, but we’re slaves, millions of millions of lost shadows, noisy we go about on the streets, raising only dust. Millions of shadows walking into nothingness. I tell you that nothing perturbs me, but you, you get on my nerves. I desire to remove myself and to follow my destiny, because dying is like a dream. Pure, Inaccessible, wrapped in a solitary Eternal Shadow, Impenetrable Obscurity, Intense, Impervious, Immense . . . It gave life to the Gods, not one human has ever lifted its Veil. . . . millions and millions of shadows. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Monday, November 4, 2019
Caliti junku - Make Like the Rushes
Che farò senza Euridice, dove andrò senza il mio bene... Che farò, dove andrò, che farò senza il mio bene 'Per aspera ad Astra', le asperità conducono alle Stelle Un antico detto, cinese o tibetano, forse arabo-siciliano, dice così: Caliti junku 'ca passa la China, Caliti junku, da sira 'a matina Milioni di anni luce, la legge che esprime si illumina di cielo "mindfulness", la forma è sostanza, mentre il vento mi porta improvvise allegrie Caliti junku 'ca passa la china, caliti junku, da sira 'a matina, caliti junku Do you see the dramatic escalation of violence? The world outside is insane, it's full of evils Without wasting time, we take refuge In the empty Essence caliti junku, da sira 'a matina, caliti junku Caliti junku © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro The words "caliti junku" come from a saying in the Sicilian dialect that means something like "don't set yourself against an obstacle, but rather yield and be bent until it no longer represents a danger." |
What will I do without Eurydice, where will I go without my own good? What will I do, where will I go, what will I do without my own good? “Per aspera ad Astra,” (Paracelsus) hardships lead to the stars. An ancient saying, Chinese or Tibetan, perhaps Arab-Sicilian, says thus: Make like the rushes, here passes the high tide. Make like the rushes, from evening ‘til morning. Millions of light years, the law that expresses is lit by the sky, “mindfulness,” form is substance, while the wind brings me sudden joys. Make like the rushes, here passes the high tide. Make like the rushes, from evening ‘til morning. Make like the rushes. Do you see the dramatic escalation of violence? The world outside is insane, it's full of evils. Without wasting time, we take refuge in the empty Essence. Make like the rushes, from evening ‘til morning. Make like the rushes. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Vento, tu che sei passato sul sobborgo Ed hai abbeverato le colline assetate Porta a me le cupe nuvole Affinché le possa riempire d’acqua Con le mie lacrime Borghi, verso i quali s’incamminano le disgrazie Come lupi che s’incamminano nella selva Là, dove ho accompagnato i leoni all’acqua Ed ho visitato tane di gazzelle Dietro di te oh mare, ho un paradiso da scoprire Dove c’è contentezza e miseria alcuna Se di giorno penso di conquistare La sera tu me lo rinneghi Ho ceduto ai desideri che il mare mi ha proibito di incontrare E farò della mezzaluna un battello Per abbracciare l’ardere di quel fuoco E farò della mezzaluna un battello Per abbracciare l’ardere di quel fuoco Oh tu Aurora portami la luce, tu Aurora portami la luce La Mente è qualcosa di stupefacente, un tesoro che soddisfa il desiderio, uno scrigno di ogni possibile cosa Aurora © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "Aurora" includes some verses from the 11th/12th-century Sicilian Arab poet Ibn Hamdis as adapted by the Palestinian songwriter Nabil Salameh. |
Wind, you who passed through the suburb and saked the parched hills, bring me dark clouds so I might refill them with water, with my tears. Hamlets, towards which misfortunes set out like wolves that wander the wilderness. There, where I accompanied the lions to the water and visited dens of gazelles. Behind you, oh sea, I have a paradise to discover. Where there is contentedness and some sorrow, if by day I think of conquering, by night you repudiate me. I believed in the desires that the sea kept me from encountering. And I’ll make of the crescent moon a boat to embrace the blaze of that fire. And I’ll make of the crescent moon a boat to embrace the blaze of that fire. Oh you, Aurora, bring me the light. You, Aurora, bring me the light. The Mind is something amazing, a treasure that satisfies desire, a chest of every possible thing. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Il serpente - The Serpent
All'uomo fu detto tu camminerai in eterno, viaggerai e l'ombra ti porterai addosso I suoi occhi guardavano stupiti, le mani forti e pallide Si aggirava nelle dolenti città d'occidente, in cupe società Dove trine e stracci si mischiavano Noi viviamo, tutti gridavano Il denaro strisciava come il serpente Nelle città d'occidente così si celebrava Ma da qualche parte un uomo nuovo nasceva All'uomo si disse tu camminerai in eterno, viaggerai e l'ombra ti resterà addosso Camminava come gli era stato detto, senza sostare camminava Gli si incupiva il viso, ma il cuore infiammato lo guidava Un raggio di luce attraversò un cielo nero e minaccioso Andando a illuminare un albero di ciliegio in fiore Davanti ai suoi occhi increduli e sbalorditi, si accurse che qualcosa di metafisico era accaduto... Scoprì di colpo l'esperienza del bianco Il denaro striscia come il serpente, nelle città d'occidente così si celebra Ma da qualche parte un uomo nuovo sta nascendo Il serpente © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro |
To the man ‘twas said you’ll walk in eternity, you’ll travel and the shadow will carry you. His eyes watched, surprised, the hands strong and pallid. He wandered around in the aching cities of the West, in dark societies where lace and rags mixed together. We are living, everyone was shouting. Money slithered like a serpent. In the cities of the West it was celebrated but somewhere a new man was born. To the man ‘twas said you’ll walk in eternity, you’ll travel and the shadow will remain upon you. He walked as it had been said without a break he walked. His visage darkened, but his heart, aflame, guided him. A ray of light crossed over a dark and menacing sky heading to illuminate a cherry tree in bloom. Before his incredulous and astounded eyes he realized that something metaphysical had happened . . . He discovered suddenly the experience of the white. Money slithers like a serpent. In the cities of the West it is celebrated but somewhere a new man is being born. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Friday, November 1, 2019
Apriti Sesamo - Open Sesame
Apriti Sesamo, apriti Sesamo, apriti Sesamo Sorrideva Sherazade e i suoi denti, come fili di perle Come chicchi di grandine, come fiori Scintillavano al sole per la grandezza di Allah Dalla sua bocca, le più belle fiabe trovavano vita per il Re Cominciò così, la bella a raccontare di Alì Babà e dei 40 ladroni Apriti Sesamo, apriti Sesamo, apriti Sesamo Alì aveva seguito, di nascosto, come un'ombra, una banda di ladri, camminavano nel bosco in fila indiana Arrivarono davanti ad una grande grotta, nascosta da cespugli. Il loro capo imperioso ordinò Sesamo apriti... la roccia girò su se stessa e come porta si spalancò: monete d'oro, pietre preziose, sciabole scintillanti e tappeti di Bukara Orci di vino pregiato, vasi pieni di luce lunare che illuminavano attorno per il piacere degli occhi Quando i ladri si allontanarono al galoppo, ed erano ormai lontani Alì Babà si fece coraggio... e palpitava il suo cuore come mille cavalli impaurito e tremante ripetè la formula magica: Sesamo apriti La roccia girò su se stessa e come porta si spalancò A quel punto, sorto il giorno, Sherazade si interruppe e la fiaba finì Apriti Sesamo © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "" is a |
Open Sesame, open Sesame, open Sesame. Scheherazade smiled, and her teeth, like strings of pearls, like hailstones, like flowers, glistened in the sun for the majesty of Allah. From her mouth, the most wonderful tales found life for the King. Thus it began, the beauty telling tales of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves. Open Sesame, open Sesame, open Sesame. Ali had followed – hidden, like a shadow – a band of thieves. They walked in the wood in single file. They arrived in front of a huge grotto, hidden by a thicket. Their imperious chief ordered Open Sesame . . . The rock spun on itself and, like a door, opened wide: gold coins, precious stones, glistening sabers, and carpets of Bukhara. Jars of precious wine, vases full of moonlight that shone ‘round for the eyes’ delight. When the thieves departed at a gallop and were long gone, Ali Baba summoned his courage . . . and his heart beat like a thousand horses, frightened and trembling he repeated the magic formula: open Sesame. The rock spun on itself And, like a door, opened wide. At that point, a new day arisen, Scheherazade is interrupted and the fable ended. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Apriti Sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Friday, October 4, 2019
Inneres Auge - The Inner Eye
Come un branco di lupi che scende dagli altipiani ululando O uno sciame di api accanite divoratrici di petali odoranti Precipitano roteando come massi da altissimi monti in rovina Uno dice che male c'è a organizzare feste private Con delle belle ragazze per allietare Primari e Servitori dello Stato? Non ci siamo capiti E perché mai dovremmo pagare anche gli extra a dei rincoglioniti? Che cosa possono le Leggi dove regna soltanto il denaro? La Giustizia non è altro che una pubblica merce Di cosa vivrebbero ciarlatani e truffatori Se non avessero moneta sonante da gettare come ami fra la gente La linea orizzontale ci spinge verso la materia Quella verticale verso lo spirito Con le palpebre chiuse s'intravede un chiarore Che con il tempo e ci vuole pazienza Si apre allo sguardo interiore: Inneres Auge, Das Innere Auge La linea orizzontale ci spinge verso la materia Quella verticale verso lo spirito La linea orizzontale ci spinge verso la materia Inneres Auge Quella verticale verso lo spirito Das Innere Auge Ma quando ritorno in me, sulla mia via A leggere e studiare, ascoltando i grandi del passato... Mi basta una sonata di Corelli, perchè mi meravigli del Creato! Inneres Auge © 2009 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "Inneres Auge" recycles a few verses already used in "L'ignoto" on the Campi Magnetici album, verses that come from Sgalambro's book Opus Postumissimum. The song rails against a political class dedicated to the all-expenses-paid satisfaction of their baser instincts, and offers spiritual practice or the contemplation of art as routes of escape. |
Like a pack of wolves that descends howling from the high planes. Or a swarm of fierce bees, devourers of fragrant petals, they rain down swirling like masses from the highest mountains in ruin. One says what harm is there in organizing private parties with some beautiful girls to brighten up wards of the State or civil servants? There’s been a misunderstanding, and why should we ever pay even the extras and some stoners? What can the Law do, where only money reigns? Justice is nothing more than a public commodity. On what would charlatans and tricksters live if they didn’t have hard cash to throw out like fishhooks amongst the people. The horizontal line pushes us towards the material, the vertical one towards the spiritual. With eyelids closed, one catches sight of a glow that with time, and it takes patience, opens to the interior view: Inner Eye, the Inner Eye. The horizontal line pushes us towards the material, the vertical one towards the spiritual. The horizontal line pushes us towards the material. Inner Eye. The vertical one towards the spiritual. The Inner Eye. But when I return to myself, on my path, to read and to study, listening to the great ones of the past . . . I only need a sonata by Corelli, so that I marvel in the Creation! English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Inneres Auge - Il tutto è più della somma delle sue parti (Inner Eye - The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts) was released in 2009. The album consists of two originals, one cover and reworkings of previously released songs. |
Thursday, October 3, 2019
L'incantesimo - The Enchantment
Il cielo mi sembra di lacca e madreperla Che l'orizzonte adorna La costellazione del camaleonte emana poca luce È insignificante Dal sud affolla il vespertino E inonda di colori il giorno Per me, che amo quello che non è Salta dalla fantasia e via per il mondo, via per il mondo La corona boreale che Bacco scagliò verso l'ignoto Verso l'infinito Il sud inonda di colori il giorno Per me, che amo quello che non è L'incantesimo di perdute esistenze che non saranno mai Le speranze di presenze intorno a noi L'incantesimo che ama quello che non è L'incantesimo © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "L'incantesimo" was inspired by contemplating the dawn sky. It originally appeared as part of a 4-song "single" with other songs from the Gomalacca album. |
The sky seems of lacquer and mother-of-pearl
that adorns the horizon.
The Chameleon constellation
emits little light,
it’s insignificant.
From the south it crowds the evening
and floods the day with colors,
for me, who loves that which is not.
It leaps from fantasy and heads for the world, heads for the world. The Corona Borealis that Dionysus hurled towards the unknown, towards the infinite. The south floods the day with colors, for me, who loves what is not, the enchantment of lost existences that will never be, the hopes of presences inside us, the enchantment that loves that which is not. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Inneres Auge - Il tutto è più della somma delle sue parti (Inner Eye - The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts) was released in 2009. The album consists of two originals, one cover and reworkings of previously released songs. |
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Stage Door
Mi sembra di viaggiare In zone rarefatte del pensiero Dove si affina la mia disposizione a vivere Che si inebria di stili e discipline In un insieme irridente di parche voglie Celebro il mio vanto i miei sensi la mia unicità Furono giorni di stanchezza assurda e depressiva Di una totale mancanza di lucidità Quando ti chiedi in qualche letto sconosciuto Che cosa hai fatto e perchè vivi in tanta estraneità Sapessi che dolore l'esistenza Che vede nero dove nero non ce n'è Il fatto è che non posso più tornare indietro Che non riesco a vivere con te né senza di te Credimi Ma io vorrei essere un'aquila Vedere il piano del mondo che inclina verso di noi E le leggi che si inchinano Lanciarmi a inseguire il tuo deserto E i poteri solenni E le porte dorate Cominciare di nuovo il viaggio Stage Door © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "Stage Door" is about states of being that allow one to decouple from needless suffering, through perhaps a meditative discipline or service. It originally appeared as part of a 4-song "single" with other songs from the Gomalacca album. |
I seem to travel in rarefied zones of thought where is refined my availability to live, which gets drunk on styles and disciplines, in a mocking set of park cravings. I celebrate my glory, my senses, my uniqueness. There were days of tiredness, absurd and depressed, of a total lack of lucidity, when you ask yourself in some unfamiliar bed what you are doing and why you live in such alienation. I knew what sadness existence, that sees black where there is no black. The fact is that I can no longer turn back, I can’t manage to live with you or without you. Believe me. But I would like to be an eagle, seeing the plan of the world that tilts toward us, and the laws that bow down, launching myself to follow your desert and the solemn powers and the golden doors, to begin again the voyage. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Inneres Auge - Il tutto è più della somma delle sue parti (Inner Eye - The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts) was released in 2009. The album consists of two originals, one cover and reworkings of previously released songs. |
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
'U cuntu - The Tale
’U sennu Stamu piddennu ’u sennu Ti ni stai accuggennu Unni stamu jennu a finiri ’Ccu stu munnu ca sta ’mpazzennu Luceunu ’i stiddi dda La’ luntanu supra ’u mari Li cosi cari parunu cchiù beddi Nan sacciu cchi fu a ieri visti ’a motti Addummisciuta ’nda ’na gnuni Nan si uosi arrusbigghiari Hic et nunc non habeo dispositionem mentis Latus mundi insanus est Malus imbutus malis libidinibus. 'U cuntu © 2009 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "'U cuntu" is a song in the Sicilian dialect, with some Latin at the end. Battiato imagined the Latin section as if it were spoken by "fathers of the desert, against the most vulgar worldliness, the shallow sexuality." |
Sense, we are losing all sense. You’re realizing where we are going to end up with this world that’s going crazy. The stars shone distant above the sea, dear things seem more beautiful. I don’t know if it was yesterday I saw death asleep in a corner, it didn’t want to waken. Here and now I don’t have the disposition of mind, the flank of the world is crazy, negatively inspired by foul passions. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Inneres Auge - Il tutto è più della somma delle sue parti (Inner Eye - The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts) was released in 2009. The album consists of two originals, one cover and reworkings of previously released songs. |
Monday, September 2, 2019
Tutto il'universo obbedisce all'amore - The Whole Universe Obeys Love
Rara la vita in due fatta di lievi gesti E affetti di giornata, consistenti o no Bisogna muoversi come ospiti pieni di premure Con delicata attenzione per non disturbare... Ed è in certi sguardi Che si vede l’infinito Stridono le auto come bisonti infuriati Le strade sono praterie... Accanto a grattacieli assolati Come possiamo tenere nascosta la nostra intesa Ed è in certi sguardi Che s’intravede l’infinito Tutto l’universo obbedisce all’amore Come puoi tenere nascosto un amore Ed è così Che ci trattiene nelle sue catene Tutto l’universo obbedisce all’amore Come possiamo Tenere nascosta la nostra intesa Ed è in certi sguardi Che si nasconde l’infinito Tutto l’universo obbedisce all'amore Come puoi tenere nascosto un amore Ed è così Che ci trattiene nelle sue catene Tutto l’universo obbedisce all'amore Tutto l'universo obbedisce all'amore © 2007 Franco Battiato "Tutto l'universo obbedisce all'amore" takes its title from a 1660 poem of the same name (in French) by the poet Jean de La Fontaine. Joining Battiato on vocals is Carmen Consoli. |
Rare the life together made of slight gestures and affections of a day, consistent or not. One must move around like guests full of kindness, with delicate attention to not disturb . . . And it’s in certain glances that one sees the infinite. The cars squeal like infuriated bison, The streets are prairies . . . Next to sun-drenched skyscrapers How can we hold hidden our connection? And it’s in certain glances that one glimpses the infinite. The whole universe obeys love How can you hold hidden a love? And it’s thus that we’re held back in its chains. The whole universe obeys love. How can we hold hidden our connection? And it’s in certain glances that one hides the infinite. The whole universe obeys love. How can you hold hidden a love? And it’s thus that we’re held back in its chains. The whole universe obeys love. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Fleurs 2 was released in 2008. Like the two previous Fleurs albums, it is a collection of covers plus two Battiato originals. |
Sunday, September 1, 2019
L'addio - The Farewell
Con la fine dell'estate Come in un romanzo l'eroina Visse veramente prigioniera Con te dietro la finestra guardavamo Le rondini sfrecciare in alto in verticale Ogni tanto un aquilone Nell'aria curva dava obliquità a quel tempo Che lascia andare via, che lascia andare via Gli idrogeni nel mare dell'oblio Da una crepa sulla porta ti spiavo nella stanza Un profumo invase l'anima E una luce prese posto sulla cima delle palme Con te dietro la finestra guardavamo Le rondini sfrecciare in alto in verticale Lungo strade di campagna Stavamo bene Per orgoglio non dovevi Lasciarmi andare via, lasciarmi andare via Ogni tanto un aquilone Nell'aria curva dava obliquità a quel tempo Che lascia andare via, che lascia andare via Gli idrogeni nel mare dell'oblio Quando me ne andai di casa Finsi un'allegria ridicola Dei ragazzi uscivano da scuola Dietro alla stazione sopra una corriera L'addio L'addio © 2007 Franco Battiato, Ippolito Avalli & Mino Di Martino "L'addio" was originally written for Giuni Russo's 1981 album Energie, all songs on which were co-written by Battiato. |
With the end of summer, like in a novel the heroine experienced truly being prisoner. With you behind the window we watched the swallows darting up high vertically. Once in a while a kite in the curved air gave a slant in those times that let go away, that let go away the hydrogen in the sea of oblivion. By a crack in the door I spied you in the room. A smell invaded the soul and a light took seat atop the palm trees. With you behind the window we watched the swallows darting up high vertically along country roads. We were doing fine. Out of pride you didn’t have to let me go away, let me go away. Once in a while a kite in the curved air gave slant in those times that let go away, that let go away the hydrogen in the sea of oblivion. When I left home I feigned a ridiculous happiness of kids going out to school. Behind the station above a coach, the farewell. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Fleurs 2 was released in 2008. Like the two previous Fleurs albums, it is a collection of covers plus two Battiato songs previously done by other artists. |
Friday, August 9, 2019
Il vuoto - Emptiness
Tempo non c'è tempo sempre più in affanno Inseguo il nostro tempo vuoto di senso senso di vuoto E persone quante tante persone un mare di gente nel vuoto Year play rest my way day thing man your world life The hand part my child eye woman cry place work weekend your end case point government tu sei quello che tu vuoi the company my company ma non sai quello che tu sei Number group the problem is in fact money money money…… Danni fisici psicologici collera e paura stress Sindrome da traffico ansia stati emotivi Primordiali malesseri pericoli imminenti E ignoti disturbi sul sesso Venti di profezia parlano di Dei che avanzano Year play rest my way day thing man your world life The hand part my child eye woman cry place work weekend your end case point government tu sei quello che tu vuoi the company my company ma non sai quello che tu sei Number group the problem is in fact money money money…… Tempo non c'è tempo sempre più in affanno Inseguo il nostro tempo vuoto di senso senso di vuoto Danni fisici psicologici collera e paura stress Sindrome da traffico ansia stati emotivi Primordiali malesseri pericoli imminenti E ignoti disturbi sul sesso Il vuoto © 2007 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro The idea for "Il vuoto" came from a study done by Oxford on the 100 most used words in the world. Battiato took the top 20 and rearranged and built on them. They are sung by the members of the group MAB, who also played on the track. |
Time, there is no time, always more in trouble. I follow our time empty of sense, sense of emptiness. And people, how many, so many people, a sea of people in the emptiness. Year play rest my way day thing man your world life the hand part my child eye woman cry place work weekend your end case point government (you are that which you want) the company my company (but you don’t know what you are) number group the problem is in fact money money money . . . Damages physical and psychological, rage and fear, stress, syndromes from traffic anxiety, emotional states, primordial discomforts imminent dangers, and unknown disturbances around sex. Winds of prophesy talk of Gods that advance. Year play rest my way day thing man your world life the hand part my child eye woman cry place work weekend your end case point government (you are that which you want) the company my company (but you don’t know what you are) number group the problem is in fact money money money . . . Time, there is no time, always more in trouble. I follow our time empty of sense, sense of emptiness. Damages physical and psychological, rage and fear, stress, syndromes from traffic anxiety, emotional states, primordial discomforts imminent dangers, and unknown disturbances around sex. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Il vuoto was released in 2007. Battiato said of the album, "All of this disc is talking essentially of emptiness. And for "emptiness" I don't mean only that as it relates to thoughts or considerations of a philosophical order, but precisely the problems and circumstances that each one of us is obligated to live every day." And of course there's the flip side of this negative emptiness: the emptiness one can reach through meditation which then allows the realization of new possibilities. The lyrics are again a collaboration between Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Thursday, August 8, 2019
I giorni della monotonia - Days of Monotony
Stavi giù distesa sopra il letto E ti lasciavi andare come alla deriva Passavamo così attraverso impervie vie I giorni della monotonia Tutti e due le labbra sulle tue Gli attimi vissuti intensamente Sono spenti Stare insieme a te fu il delirio Di una storia della nostra estrema diversità E mi innamorai ossessivamente Per distruggermi "..stringimi.." Mi sussuravi piano: "caro amore" Giorni di immensa meraviglia E giorni di cattività Tra noi due poi scoppiò il diluvio Lux eterna domine in excelsis deo Passavamo così attraverso impervie vie I giorni della monotonia Tutti e due le labbra sulle tue Gli attimi vissuti intensamente Sono spenti Sto con me tra noi due ho scelto me I giorni della monotonia © 2007 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "I giorni della monotonia" is a breakup song in the style of Battiato/Sgalambro. |
You were down there stretched out on the bed, and you let yourself drift around. We passed thus across impervious ways – days of monotony. Both of the lips on yours, the moments lived intensely were spent. Being together with you was the delirium of a story of our extreme diversity. And I fell in love obsessively to destroy myself “..hold me..” you whispered to me: “sweet love.” Days of immense marvel and days of captivity. Then between the two of us the deluge fell. Eternal light of God in all the high places, Lord. We passed thus across impervious ways – days of monotony. Both of the lips on yours, the moments lived intensely were spent. I am with myself; between us, I chose me. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Il vuoto was released in 2007. Battiato said of the album, "All of this disc talks essentially of emptiness. And for "emptiness" I don't mean only that as it relates to thoughts or considerations of a philosophical order, but precisely the problems and circumstances that each one of us is obligated to live every day." And of course there's the flip side of this negative emptiness: the emptiness one can reach through meditation which then allows the realization of new possibilities. The lyrics are again a collaboration between Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Aspettando l'estate - Awaiting Summer
L'allegrezza del vento fuga i cattivi pensieri Mentre ogni ombra fugge via le giornate si accorciano La sera i fuochi inondano i dintorni di luce La tristezza non prevale su me Col canto la tengo lontana Le giornate si allungano Sto aspettando l'estate Anche se non ci sei tu sei sempre con me Per antiche abitudini Perchè ti rivedrò dovunque tu sia Aspettando l'estate all'ombra dell'ultimo sole Sospeso tra due alberi a immaginare L'estasi dei momenti d'ozio Voglio riscoprire aspettando l'estate Anche se non ci sei tu sei sempre con me E sono ancora sicuro che io ti rivedrò Dovunque tu sia Aspettando l'estate © 2007 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro "Aspettando l'estate" introduces nature as a counterpoint to the sense of emptiness that is the theme of the album. |
The joy of the wind dispels bad thoughts. While every shadow runs away the days become shorter. At night, fires flood the surroundings with light. Sadness doesn’t prevail over me, with singing I hold it distant. The days become longer, I’m awaiting summer. Even if you’re not here you are always with me, out of ancient habit, because I will see you again wherever you may be. Awaiting summer in the shadow of the last sun, suspended between two trees to imagine the ecstasy of idle moments I want to rediscover, awaiting summer. Even if you’re not here you are always with me, and I am still certain that I’ll see you again wherever you might be. English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser Il vuoto was released in 2007. Battiato said of the album, "All of this disc talks essentially of emptiness. And for "emptiness" I don't mean only that as it relates to thoughts or considerations of a philosophical order, but precisely the problems and circumstances that each one of us is obligated to live every day." And of course there's the flip side of this negative emptiness: the emptiness one can reach through meditation which then allows the realization of new possibilities. The lyrics are again a collaboration between Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro. |
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