Saturday, November 9, 2019

Testamento - Will and Testament

Lascio agli eredi l'imparzialità,
la volontà di crescere e capire
Uno sguardo feroce e indulgente,
per non offendere inutilmente

Lascio i miei esercizi sulla respirazione
Cristo nei Vangeli parla di reincarnazione

Lascio agli amici gli anni felici,
delle più audaci riflessioni
La libertà reciproca di non avere legami
... e mi piaceva tutto della mia vita mortale
Anche l'odore che davano gli asparagi all'urina

We never died, we were never borne!
We never died, we were never borne!

Il tempo perduto chissà perchè,
non si fa mai riprendere
I linguaggi urbani si intrecciano
e si confondono nel quotidiano

"Fatti non foste per viver come bruti,
ma per seguire virtude e conoscenza"...
L'idea del visibile alletta,
la mia speranza aspetta

Appese a rami spogli,
gocce di pioggia si staccano con lentezza,
mentre una gazza, in cima ad un cipresso,

Peccato che io non sappia volare,
ma le oscure cadute nel buio
Mi hanno insegnato a risalire
E mi piaceva tutto della mia vita mortale,
noi non siamo mai morti, e non siamo mai nati

We never died, we were never borne!
We never died, we were never borne!

Testamento © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Testamento" includes a quote from the 26th Canto of Dante's Inferno.

I leave to the inheritors impartiality,
the will to grow and to understand.
An outlook fierce and forgiving,
so as not to needlessly offend.

I leave my exercises on breathing.
Christ in the Gospels talks of reincarnation.

I leave to my friends the happy years,
of the most bold reflections,
the mutual freedom to not have ties
. . . and I liked all of my mortal life,
even the smell that asparagus gives to urine.

We never died, we were never borne!
We never died, we were never borne!

Time lost, who knows why,
is never regained.
Urban languages interweave
and confound in the daily newspaper.

“You weren’t born to live like animals,
but to follow virtue and awareness” . . .
The idea of the visible relishes,
my hope awaits.

Hanging down from stripped branches,
drops of rain fall off sluggishly,
while a magpie, at the top of a cypress,

Too bad I don’t know how to fly,
but the obscure falls in the dark
taught me to rise up.
And I liked all of my mortal life.
We don’t ever die, and we are never born.

We never died, we were never borne!
We never died, we were never borne!

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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