Monday, November 4, 2019

Caliti junku - Make Like the Rushes

Che farò senza Euridice,
dove andrò senza il mio bene...
Che farò, dove andrò,
che farò senza il mio bene

'Per aspera ad Astra',
le asperità conducono alle Stelle
Un antico detto, cinese o tibetano,
forse arabo-siciliano, dice così:

Caliti junku 'ca passa la China,
Caliti junku, da sira 'a matina

Milioni di anni luce,
la legge che esprime si illumina di cielo
"mindfulness", la forma è sostanza,
mentre il vento mi porta improvvise allegrie

Caliti junku 'ca passa la china,
caliti junku, da sira 'a matina,
caliti junku

Do you see the dramatic escalation of violence?
The world outside is insane, it's full of evils
Without wasting time, we take refuge
In the empty Essence

caliti junku, da sira 'a matina,
caliti junku

Caliti junku © 2012 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

The words "caliti junku" come from a saying in the Sicilian dialect that means something like "don't set yourself against an obstacle, but rather yield and be bent until it no longer represents a danger."

What will I do without Eurydice,
where will I go without my own good?
What will I do, where will I go,
what will I do without my own good?

“Per aspera ad Astra,” (Paracelsus)
hardships lead to the stars.
An ancient saying, Chinese or Tibetan,
perhaps Arab-Sicilian, says thus:

Make like the rushes, here passes the high tide.
Make like the rushes, from evening ‘til morning.

Millions of light years,
the law that expresses is lit by the sky,
“mindfulness,” form is substance,
while the wind brings me sudden joys.

Make like the rushes, here passes the high tide.
Make like the rushes, from evening ‘til morning.
Make like the rushes.

Do you see the dramatic escalation of violence?
The world outside is insane, it's full of evils.
Without wasting time, we take refuge
in the empty Essence.

Make like the rushes, from evening ‘til morning.
Make like the rushes.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Apriti sesamo was released in 2012. The lyrics were co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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