Sunday, December 1, 2019

L'Isola Elefante - Elephant Island

Stille Dämmerung
Der Garten ist gefrohren
Die Rosen erlitten,
Sage mir warum.

Stille Dämmerung
Der Garten ist gefrohren
Die Rosen erlitten.
Sage mir warum.

Sage mir warum,
In einem verlorenen Garten
Sage mir warum
deine Stimme hören
Sage mir warum
schweige bitte nicht
schweige bitte nicht

L'Isola Elefante © 2014 Franco Battiato & Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola

"L'Isola Elefante" is in part a reworking of music and lyrics from "Shakleton."

Silent twilight
The garden is frozen
The roses suffered,
Tell me why.

Silent twilight
The garden is frozen
The roses suffered,
Tell me why.

Tell me why
In a lost garden
Tell me why
To hear your voice
Tell me why
Please don’t be silent
Please don’t be silent

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Joe Patti's experimental group was released in 2014. It marks a return of the experimental, electronic-music side of Battiato, in collaboration with sound and mix engineer Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola. Joe Patti was Battiato's maternal uncle, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Six of the eleven tracks are instrumental only.
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