Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Come un branco di lupi - Like a Pack of Wolves

Come un branco di lupi
che scende dagli altipiani ululando
O uno sciame di api
accanite divoratrici di petali odoranti
Precipitano roteando come massi
da altissimi monti in rovina

Come un branco di lupi © 2014 Franco Battiato & Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola

"Come un branco di lupi" is a reworking of "L'ignoto," with text taken from "Inneres Auge."

Like a pack of wolves
that descends from the highlands howling,
or a swarm of bees,
fierce devourers of fragrant petals,
they rain down, swwirling like masses
from the highest mountains in ruin.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Joe Patti's experimental group was released in 2014. It marks a return of the experimental, electronic-music side of Battiato, in collaboration with sound and mix engineer Pino "Pinaxa" Pischetola. Joe Patti was Battiato's maternal uncle, who emigrated to the United States in the 1920s. Six of the eleven tracks are instrumental only.
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