Friday, August 9, 2019

Il vuoto - Emptiness

Tempo non c'è tempo sempre più in affanno
Inseguo il nostro tempo vuoto di senso
senso di vuoto
E persone quante tante persone
un mare di gente nel vuoto

Year play rest my way day
thing man your world life
The hand part my child eye
woman cry place work weekend
your end case point government
tu sei quello che tu vuoi
the company my company
ma non sai quello che tu sei
Number group the problem is
in fact money money money……

Danni fisici psicologici
collera e paura stress
Sindrome da traffico ansia stati emotivi
Primordiali malesseri pericoli imminenti
E ignoti disturbi sul sesso

Venti di profezia parlano di Dei che avanzano

Year play rest my way day
thing man your world life
The hand part my child eye
woman cry place work weekend
your end case point government
tu sei quello che tu vuoi
the company my company
ma non sai quello che tu sei
Number group the problem is
in fact money money money……

Tempo non c'è tempo sempre più in affanno
Inseguo il nostro tempo vuoto di senso
senso di vuoto

Danni fisici psicologici
collera e paura stress
Sindrome da traffico ansia stati emotivi
Primordiali malesseri pericoli imminenti
E ignoti disturbi sul sesso

Il vuoto © 2007 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

The idea for "Il vuoto" came from a study done by Oxford on the 100 most used words in the world. Battiato took the top 20 and rearranged and built on them. They are sung by the members of the group MAB, who also played on the track.

Time, there is no time, always more in trouble.
I follow our time empty of sense,
sense of emptiness.
And people, how many, so many people,
a sea of people in the emptiness.

Year play rest my way day
thing man your world life
the hand part my child eye
woman cry place work weekend
your end case point government
(you are that which you want)
the company my company
(but you don’t know what you are)
number group the problem is
in fact money money money . . .

Damages physical and psychological,
rage and fear, stress,
syndromes from traffic anxiety, emotional states,
primordial discomforts imminent dangers,
and unknown disturbances around sex.

Winds of prophesy talk of Gods that advance.

Year play rest my way day
thing man your world life
the hand part my child eye
woman cry place work weekend
your end case point government
(you are that which you want)
the company my company
(but you don’t know what you are)
number group the problem is
in fact money money money . . .

Time, there is no time, always more in trouble.
I follow our time empty of sense,
sense of emptiness.

Damages physical and psychological,
rage and fear, stress,
syndromes from traffic anxiety, emotional states,
primordial discomforts imminent dangers,
and unknown disturbances around sex.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Il vuoto was released in 2007. Battiato said of the album, "All of this disc is talking essentially of emptiness. And for "emptiness" I don't mean only that as it relates to thoughts or considerations of a philosophical order, but precisely the problems and circumstances that each one of us is obligated to live every day." And of course there's the flip side of this negative emptiness: the emptiness one can reach through meditation which then allows the realization of new possibilities. The lyrics are again a collaboration between Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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