Thursday, August 1, 2019

Stati di gioia - States of Joy

Le azioni del mondo
non influenzano il sole
E i nemici è sicuro
sono dentro di noi
Com'è possibile restare ciechi
per così lungo tempo

Mi trovavo a lottare
contro i miei fantasmi
Spostandomi in avanti
per quanto lo permette la catena
Scopersi per caso lo stato
che ascende alla Gioia
Masticavo semi di mela
alla luce del mattino
Le increspature dell'aria
sembravano pulsare
Mi giungevano frasi,
odori di erbe bruciate
Scintille di fuochi suoni lontani

Masticavo semi di mela
alla luce del mattino
Le increspature dell'aria
sembravano pulsare

Era l'estate del '63
un pomeriggio assolato
Da un juke-box di un bar
completamente vuoto
"She loves you ye ye ye"

Riti di purificazione
dentro stati di Gioia
Senza Luce né Oscurità

Stati di gioia © 2007 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Stati di gioia" is based on an experience Battiato had in an ashram in India.

The actions of the world
don’t influence the sun,
and the enemies, it is certain,
are inside of us.
How is it possible to stay blind
for such a long time?

I found myself struggling
against my phantasms,
moving myself forward
as much as the chain allowed it,
discovering by chance the state
that rises up towards Joy.
I used to eat apple seeds
in the morning light.
The rippling air
seemed to pulse.
Phrases came to me,
smells of burned grass,
sparkles of fire, distant sounds.

I used to eat apple seeds
in the morning light.
The rippling air
seemed to pulse.

It was the summer of ’63,
a sunny afternoon.
From a jukebox of a café
completely empty –
“She loves you ya ya ya.”

Rites of purification
inside states of Joy,
without Light or Darkness.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Il vuoto was released in 2007. Battiato said of the album, "All of this disc talks essentially of emptiness. And for "emptiness" I don't mean only that as it relates to thoughts or considerations of a philosophical order, but precisely the problems and circumstances that each one of us is obligated to live every day." And of course there's the flip side of this negative emptiness: the emptiness one can reach through meditation which then allows the realization of new possibilities. The lyrics are again a collaboration between Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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