Sunday, August 4, 2019

The game is over

The game is over in the dark night
I knock at your door

When I reach the selfish stage
I enjoy a certain pleasure
But sometimes a vague fear
which I cannot describe

Dov'è che stiamo andando
nel succedersi del tempo
Avrai un progetto o no per la tua vita?...

To ask the mind to kill the mind
is like making the thief
When I reach the selfish stage
I enjoy a certain pleasure
But sometimes a vague fear
which I cannot describe

Dov'è che stiamo andando
nel succedersi del tempo
Avrai un progetto o no per la tua vita?
... adesso

Discover the nature of mind...
no matter how many planets
And stars are reflected in a lake
no matter how many universes there are

The game is over © 2007 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"The game is over" samples a song, "Huhu Namil," from an album called Songs of Mongolia, featuring throat singing and the national instrument, the morin khuur. Joining Battiato on vocals is Alice Dionis (Psycho Jeremy) of MAB.

The game is over in the dark night,
I knock at your door.

When I reach the selfish stage
I enjoy a certain pleasure,
but sometimes a vague fear
which I cannot describe.

Where is it that we’re going
in the succession of time?
Do you have a plan or not for your life?
Let’s go!

To ask the mind to kill the mind
is like making the thief.
When I reach the selfish stage
I enjoy a certain pleasure,
but sometimes a vague fear
which I cannot describe.

Where is it that we’re going
in the succession of time?
Do you have a plan or not for your life?
. . . now!

Discover the nature of mind . . .
no matter how many planets
and stars are reflected in a lake,
no matter how many universes there are.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Il vuoto was released in 2007. Battiato said of the album, "All of this disc talks essentially of emptiness. And for "emptiness" I don't mean only that as it relates to thoughts or considerations of a philosophical order, but precisely the problems and circumstances that each one of us is obligated to live every day." And of course there's the flip side of this negative emptiness: the emptiness one can reach through meditation which then allows the realization of new possibilities. The lyrics are again a collaboration between Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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