Sunday, February 10, 2019

Shock in my town

Shock in my town
Velvet underground

Ho sentito urla di furore
Di generazioni, senza più passato
Di neo-primitivi
Rozzi cibernetici signori degli anelli
Orgoglio dei manicomi

Shock in my town
Velvet underground

Ho incontrato allucinazioni
Stiamo diventando come degli insetti;
simili agli insetti
Nelle mie orbite si scontrano tribù di sub-urbani
Di aminoacidi

Latenti shock
Shock addizionali, shock addizionali
Sveglia Kundalini
Sveglia Kundalini, sveglia Kundalini
Per scappare via dalla paranoia
Come dopo un viaggio con la mescalina
che finisce male
Nel ritorno

Shock in my town © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Shock in my town" is a dystopian portrait of a civilization regressing to a primitive state, where barbarity and technology co-exist. It should be understood that in the world of Gurdjieff embraced by Battiato, Kundalini is viewed negatively, as it is "the power of the imagination, the power of fantasy, that usurps the place of a real function." So in this apocalypse, reality and fiction, and dreaming and wakefulness are reversed.

Shock in my town
Velvet Underground

I heard the outcry of fury
of generations, with no more past,
of neo-primitives
uncouth cybernauts, gentlemen of the rings,
the pride of the psych wards.

Shock in my town
Velvet Underground

I encountered hallucinations.
We’re becoming like some insects,
similar to the insects.
In my orbits collide tribes of sub-urbanites
of amino acids.

Dormant shocks,
(additional shocks, additional shocks)
Awaken Kundalini
(awaken Kundalini, awaken Kundalini)
to get away from paranoia,
(like after a trip with mescaline
that doesn’t end well)
upon return.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Auto da fé

Si è fatto tardi sulle nostre esistenze
E il desiderio tra noi due
è acqua passata
Davvero tu non c'entri niente
è solo colpa mia

Mi sono accorto tardi
Che tutto quello a cui tenevo,
ti era indifferente, scivolava via
Siamo lontani
Ti parlo e non mi senti

E' sceso il buio nelle nostre coscienze
E ha reso apocrifa la nostra relazione
Vorrei innestare il modo dell'indifferenza
E allontanarmi da te;
Per presentarmi innanzi al tribunale
di una nuova inquisizione

Faccio un "auto da fé"
Dei miei innamoramenti
Un "auto da fé"
Voglio praticare il sesso senza sentimenti
senza sentimenti.

E mi piaceva camminare solo
Per sentieri ombrosi di montagna
Nel mese in cui le foglie cambiano colore
Prima di addormentarmi all'ombra del destino

E' sceso il buio nelle nostre coscienze
E ha reso apocrifa la nostra relazione
Vorrei innestare il modo dell'indifferenza
E allontanarmi da te;

Faccio un "auto da fé"
Dei miei innamoramenti
Un "auto da fé"
Voglio praticare il sesso senza sentimenti
senza sentimenti.

Auto da fé © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

An "auto-da-fé" was the ceremony for pronouncing judgment by the Inquisition, which was followed by the execution of sentence by secular authorities; it often connotes the burning of a heretic, which was the most extreme punishment imposed by the Inquisition.

It was done late in our existences
and the desire between the two of us
is water under the bridge.
Really it’s not about you,
it’s only my fault.

I realized late
that everything I cared about
didn’t matter to you, it slipped away.
We’re far away,
I talk to you and you don’t hear me.

The darkness descended in our awareness
and rendered our relationship apocryphal.
I’d like to implant the mode of indifference
and to distance myself from you,
in order to present myself before the tribunal
of a new inquisition.

I’m doing an “auto-da-fé”
of my loves and crushes,
an “auto-da-fé” –
I want to practice sex without feelings,
without feelings.

And I liked walking alone
along shady mountain paths
in the month when the leaves change color,
before falling asleep in the shade of destiny.

The darkness descended in our awareness
and rendered our relationship apocryphal.
I’d like to implant the mode of indifference
and to distance myself from you

I’m doing an “auto-da-fé”
of my loves and crushes,
an “auto-da-fé” –
I want to practice sex without feelings,
without feelings.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Friday, February 8, 2019

Casta Diva - Chaste Goddess

Greca, nascesti a New York
E lì passasti la tua infanzia
con genitori e niente di speciale
Fu un giorno che tua madre
stanca dell'America e di suo marito
Prese i bagagli e le vostre mani
Vi riportò indietro
Nella terra degli Dei

Eri una ragazzina assai robusta
Non sapevi ancora di essere divina...
Ci hai spezzato per sempre il cuore

Ti strinse forte il successo
Ballò fino a sera con te
La musica non ti scorderà mai
Viaggiasti e il mondo stringesti
Ti accoglievano navi, aerei e treni
Invidie, gelosie e devozione

Un vile ti rubò serenità e talento
Un vile ti rubò serenità.
Un vile ti rubò

Divinità dalla suprema voce
La tua temporalità mi é entrata nelle ossa

Casta Diva © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

Battiato's "Casta Diva" refers to an aria of the same name in Scene 1 of the opera Norma. The opera was a war horse for Mara Callas, who performed the title role 89 times throughout her career. For Battiato, Callas represented "absolute perfection" in her interpretive abilities, and she is sampled throughout this homage to her.

Greek, you were born in New York
and there you spent your childhood
with parents, and nothing special.
One day your mother,
tired of America and of her husband,
took the bags and your hands
and carried you back
to the land of the Gods.

You were a young girl so heavyset,
you didn’t know yet you were divine . . .
you broke our hearts forever.

Success gripped you tightly,
danced with you ‘til nighttime.
Music will never forget you.
You traveled and the world embraced you.
Ships, planes, and trains welcomed you,
and envies, jealousies and devotion.

A vile man robbed you of serenity and talent.
A vile man robbed you of serenity.
A vile one robbed you.

Divinity from a voice supreme,
your worldliness entered into my bones.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Il ballo del potere - The Power Dance

Ti muovi sulla destra poi sulla sinistra
Resti immobile sul centro
Provi a fare un giro su te stesso,
un giro su te stesso
You miss me and I miss you

Fingi di riandare avanti con un salto
Poi a sinistra con la finta
che stai andando a destra
Che stai andando a destra
You miss me and I miss you

Poi si aggiungono i pensieri
Con un movimento indipendente dalla testa,
dalle gambe
Con un movimento dissociato dalla testa,
dalle gambe

I Pigmei dell'Africa,
si siedono per terra
Con un rito di socialità
Tranquilli fumano l'erba

The circle symbolizes T'ai Chi
which is formless and above duality
Here it is manifesting itself
as the progenitor of the universe
It is divided into Yin (the dark)
and Yang (the light)
which signify the negative and positive poles.
Pairs of opposites, passive and active,
female and male,
Moon and Sun

Gli aborigeni d'Australia
si stendono sulla terra
Con un rito di fertilità
Vi lasciano il loro sperma

Il ballo del potere © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

The "Power Dance" referred to in the title is that practiced by shamans in ancient Mexico and described by Carlos Castaneda in his books - magical passes and positions and movements of the body designed to attract and hold on to powerful energies.

You move to the right then to the left,
you stay unmoving in the center.
You try to make a trip around yourself,
a trip around yourself.
You miss me and I miss you.

You fake going ahead again with a jump,
then to the left with a fake
that you’re going to the right,
that you’re going to the right.
You miss me and I miss you.

Then thoughts are added
with an independent movement of the head,
of the legs,
with a dissociated movement of the head,
of the legs.

The Pygmies of Africa
seat themselves on the ground
with a social ritual.
Tranquil, they smoke weed.

The circle symbolizes Tai Chi,
which is formless and above duality.
Here it is manifesting itself
as the progenitor of the universe.
It is divided into Yin (the dark)
and Yang (the light)
which signify the negative and positive poles.
Pairs of opposites, passive and active,
female and male,
Moon and Sun,

The aborigines of Australia
stretch out on the ground
with a fertility rite.
They leave you their sperm.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

La preda - The Prey

E scivola la sera tra i luoghi
che attirano il mio sguardo
La mia attenzione
Dormo solo poche ore
La caffeina scuote le mie voglie
Sto sempre sveglio, ho voglia di arditezze
Non saremo più né tu né io

Cerca di restare immobile, non parlare
Lento il respiro all'unisono rallenta il cuore
Muta la furia in ebbrezza in tenerezza
Lasciati andare
Lasciati andare
Fino ad arrivare all'estasi
Con me

Volare così in alto da afferrare la preda ambita
Senza luoghi comuni né vane parole
Si intrecciano lenzuola
come sacre bende di sacerdoti egiziani
Non saremo più né tu né io
né tu né io

Cerca di restare immobile, non parlare
Lento il respiro all'unisono rallenta il cuore
Muta la furia in ebbrezza in tenerezza
Lasciati andare
Lasciati andare
Fino ad arrivare all'estasi
Con me

La preda © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"La preda" describes a Tantric orgasm that pervades both body and spirit.

And the evening slips through the places
that attract my gaze,
my attention.
I sleep only a few hours,
the caffeine shakes my desires.
I stay awake always, I feel risky,
we’ll no longer be neither you nor I.

Try to remain still, don’t talk,
slow the breath, in unison the heart slows.
Mute the fury in intoxication, in tenderness.
Let yourself go,
let yourself go,
until arriving at ecstasy
with me.

Flying high like this to catch the coveted prey
without common places or vane words.
Sheets intertwine
like sacred bandages of Egyptian priests.
We’ll no longer be neither you nor I,
neither you nor I.

Try to remain still, don’t talk,
slow the breath, in unison the heart slows.
Mute the fury in intoxication, in tenderness.
Let yourself go,
let yourself go,
until arriving at ecstasy
with me.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Il mantello e la spiga - The Cape and the Spike

Sotto l'ombra sospiravi
Pastore di ombre e di sotterranei segreti
Parlavi di una vita trascorsa

Come sempre le foglie cadono d'autunno
Intona i canti dei veggenti
cedi alla saggezza,
alle scintille di fuochi ormai spenti
Règolati alle temperature
e alle frescure delle notti:
Lascia tutto e seguiti

Guarda le distese dei campi,
perditi in essi
e non chiedere altro
Lasci un'orma attraverso cui tu stesso
ti segui nel tempo e ti riconosci
Correvi con la biga nei circhi
E fosti pure un'ape delicata
Il gentile mantello
che coprì le spalle di qualcuno
Lascia tutto e seguiti

I tuoi occhi dunque trascorrono svagati
Ed ozi come una spiga

Come sempre le foglie cadono d'autunno
Intona i canti dei veggenti
cedi alla saggezza,
alle scintille di fuochi ormai spenti
Règolati alle temperature
e alle frescure delle notti:
Lascia tutto e seguiti

Il mantello e la spiga © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

Under the shadow you sighed,
shepherd of shadows and subterranean secrets.
You spoke of a life spent.

As always, the leaves fall in autumn.
Intone the chants of the seers,
yield to the wisdom,
to the sparks of fires long spent.
Give yourself to the temperatures
and freshness of the nights:
leave everything and follow yourself.

Watch the expanses of the fields
lost in themselves,
and don’t ask for something else.
Leave a footprint by which you
follow yourself in time and recognize yourself.
You ran with the chariot in the circuses
and you were also a delicate bee,
the nice cape
that covered someone’s shoulders.
Leave everything and follow yourself.

Your eyes therefore spend the time vacant
and idle like a spike.

As always, the leaves fall in autumn.
Intone the chants of the seers,
yield to the wisdom,
to the sparks of fires by now spent.
Give yourself to the temperatures
and freshness of the nights:
leave everything and follow yourself.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Monday, February 4, 2019

È stato molto bello - It Was Very Beautiful

I colli dei cigni
Splendono alla luce
E mille barbagli
Trafiggono le palpebre
Il fuoco che bruciò Roma è solo sprazzo
Così mi incendi
Con bugie di suoni mi possiedi

E' stato molto bello
Finisce la tarda estate
E' stato molto bello
Si prolungano le ombre oltre la sera
Non domandarmi dove porta la strada
Seguila e cammina soltanto

Io non invecchio
Niente più m'imprigiona

È stato molto bello © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

The necks of the swans
glisten in the light
and a thousand flashes
skewer the eyelids.
The fire that burned Rome is but a single flash.
In this way you burn me,
with lies of sound you own me.

It was very beautiful,
late summer is ending.
It was very beautiful,
the shadows lengthen beyond the evening.
Don’t ask me where the road takes you,
follow it and walk alone.

I don’t age,
nothing imprisons me anymore.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Quello che fu - That Which Was

Ah! Questo passato
Dove il mio rifugio presso di te
Fu quello che fu
Dove la polvere più pura sulla tua soglia
Fu quella che fu
Duri come pietre
Come due amici eravamo insieme
Preso del tuo cuore
Ho detto che il nostro legame
Fu quello che fu

Non ci poteva niente
Non potevo immaginarmi senza
La follia
Fu quella che fu
Fu quella che fu

L'impero delle parole
La distinzione tra bene e male
La ripida discesa dal cielo alla terra
Verso l'incarcerazione
Fu quello che fu
La circumnavigazione
I nomi che si diedero alle cose
La gioia e il dolore dell'esistere
L'enigma del consenso
Le emozionali imprese della specie
Fu quello che fu
Tutto fu quello che fu
Quel che deve ancora avvenire
Il sorgere della città di Dio
L'emblema che ci fa forti e sicuri
Oppure pazzi e disperati

Ti gridavo: sono disperso

Quello che fu © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

Ah, this past
where my shelter, in your nearness,
was what it was.
Where the purest dust on your doorstep
was what it was.
Hard like rocks,
like two friends we were together.
Taken by your heart,
I said that our connection
was what it was.

we were powerless (??)
I couldn’t imagine myself without
the madness.
It was what it was.
It was what it was.

The empire of words,
the distinction between good and bad,
the steep descent from Heaven to Earth,
towards the incarceration –
it was what it was.
The circumnavigation,
the names that were given to things,
the joy and the sadness of existing,
the enigma of the agreement,
the emotional undertakings of the species –
it was what it was.
Everything was what it was.
That which still has to take place,
the emergence of the city of God,
the emblem that makes us strong and secure,
or else crazy and desperate.

I shouted to you: I am missing,

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.
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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Vite parallele - Parallel Lives

Mi farò strada tra cento miliardi di stelle
La mia anima le attraverserà
E su una di esse vivrà eterna

Vi sono dicono cento miliardi di galassie
Tocco l'infinito con le mani
Aggiungo stella a stella
Sbucherò da qualche parte
Sono sicuro
Vivremo per l'eternità

Ma già qui
Vivo vite parallele
Ciascuna con un centro, con un'avventura
E qualcuno che mi scalda il cuore

Ciascuna mi assicura
Addormentato o stanco
Braccia che mi stringono

Credo nella reincarnazione
In quel lungo percorso
che fa vivere vite in quantità
Ma temo sempre l'oblìo
La dimenticanza

Giriamo sospesi nel vuoto
intorno all'invisibile
Ci sarà pure un Motore immobile
E già qui
Vivo vite parallele
Ciascuna con un centro, una speranza
La tenerezza di qualcuno

Tu pretendi
Esclusività di sentimenti
Non me ne volere
Perché sono curioso, bugiardo
E infedele

Vivo vite parallele
Ciascuna con un centro, con un'avventura
E qualcuno che mi scalda il cuore

Vite parallele © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Vite parallele" brings together Battiato's belief in reincarnation and Sgalambro's philosophical concept that we each live multiple, simultaneous lives that never encounter each other. The song title references a work by Plutarch, Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans.

I’ll make my way midst a hundred billion stars.
My spirit will cross them
and on one of them it will live eternally.

There are, they say, a hundred billion galaxies.
I touch the infinite with my hands,
I add star upon star.
I’ll turn up from some parts,
I am certain
we will live for eternity.

But already here
I live parallel lives,
each one with a center, with an adventure,
and someone who warms my heart.

Each one assures me,
asleep or tired,
arms that hold me.

I believe in reincarnation,
in that long journey
that brings lives alive in quantity,
but I always fear oblivion,
the forgetting.

We wander around suspended in the emptiness
surrounding the invisible.
There's bound to be an immobile Motor.
And already here
I live parallel lives,
each one with a center, a hope,
someone's tenderness.

You claim
exclusivity of feelings.
Don’t hold it against me,
because I am curious, a liar
and unloyal.

I live parallel lives,
each one with a center, with an adventure,
and someone who warms my heart.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts and was recognized with the prestigious Targa Tenco award for best album of the year.

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Friday, February 1, 2019


La storia

Una catastrofe psicocosmica
Mi sbatte contro le mura del tempo
Vigilo, nel sonno vigilo
Sentinella, sentinella che vedi?
Una catastrofe psicocosmica
Contro le mura del tempo

Durante la grande guerra
Nel Gennaio del 1915
Alle estremità settentrionali un forte vento
spingeva grandi blocchi di ghiaccio galleggianti
Imprigionando per sempre la nave
dell'audace capitano Shakleton

Su un piccolo battello
Con due soli compagni
Navigò fino a raggiungere la Georgia Australe;
Mentre i 22 superstiti dell'isola Elefante
Sopportavano un tremendo inverno

Una catastrofe psicocosmica
Mi sbatte contro le mura del tempo
Vigilo, nel sonno vigilo
Sentinella, che vedi?

(Alla deriva, alla deriva,
verso Nord, Nord-Ovest
Profondità 370 metri 72° di Latitudine Est)
Per sopravvivere furono costretti
a uccidere i loro cani
Per sopravvivere
Ma il 30 Agosto del 1916,
il leggendario capitano
Compariva a salvarli con un'altra nave

2. Il ricordo

Stille Dämmerung
Der garten ist gefrohren
Die Rosen erlitten
Sage mir warum

Sage mir warum
In einem verlorenen Garten
Sage mir warum
Deine Stimme hören
Sage mir warum
Schweige bitte nicht

Shakleton © 1998 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Shakleton" recounts the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of Edward Shackleton. The beginning of the song samples an old recording of the classical French love song Plaisir d'amour.

The history

A psycho-cosmic catastrophe
throws me against the walls of time.
I keep watch, in sleep I keep watch.
Sentinel, sentinel, what do you see?
A psycho-cosmic catastrophe
up against the walls of time.

During the Great War,
in January of 1915,
at the northern extremities, a strong wind
pushed huge blocks of floating ice,
imprisoning forever the ship
of the daring Captain Shackleton.

On a tiny boat
with only two companions,
he navigated until reaching South Georgia,
while the 22 survivors on Elephant Island
withstood a tremendous winter.

A psycho-cosmic catastrophe
throws me against the walls of time.
I keep watch, in sleep I keep watch.
Sentinel, what do you see?

(Drifting, drifting,
towards the North, Northwest,
depth 370 meters, Latitude 72° East)
To survive, they were forced
to kill their dogs
to survive.
But on August 30 of 1916,
the legendary Captain
appeared to save them with another ship.

2. The memory

Silent twilight
The garden is frozen
The roses suffered
Tell me why

Tell me why
In a lost garden
Tell me why
To hear your voice
Tell me why
Please don’t be silent

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Gommalacca (Shellac) was released in 1998. The lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on the first four songs. For Gommalacca, Battiato embraced music technology, using loops, sampling, synths and electric guitars to create a techno rock masterpiece - the album reached #1 on the charts.
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