Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Il potere del canto - The Power of Singing

Sprezza ogni inganno
Il canto è potere
Si bagna come un prato
Si arrampica sugli alberi
Fa muovere il giroscopio
Spezza ogni inganno
Ha la forza di undici aquile
Ha la forza di undici aquile
Fa smuovere il cuore al faraone
Fa smuovere il cuore al faraone

Il potere del canto © 2001 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Il potere del canto" is followed by another song unannounced in the track list, with Battiato and Fleur Jaeggy singing in German over an evolving electronic soundscape.

It scorns every deception,
singing is power.
It bathes like a meadow,
clambers on the trees,
it moves the gyroscope.
It scorns every deception.
It has the strength of eleven eagles,
it has the strength of eleven eagles.
It stirs the heart to the guinea fowl,
it stirs the heart to the guinea fowl.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Ferro Battuto was released in 2001, with a sound decidedly more pop than Gommalacca, reflecting a desire on Battiato's part to communicate more directly with his public. The lyrics on most of the songs were co-written by Battiato and Manlio Sgalambro.
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