Monday, May 6, 2019

Personalità empirica - Empirical Personality

Il faut abandonner la personalitè
pour retrouver votre "je"
Changer dame cheval et chevalier
Changer d'habit baton et penseé
(retiens la nuit pour nous deux
jusqu'à la fin du monde)

Quando non coincide più l'immagine
che hai di te
Con quello che realmente sei
E cominci a detestare i processi meccanici
e i tuoi comportamenti
E poi le pene che sorpassano la gioia di vivere
Coi dispiaceri che ci porta l’esistente
Ti viene voglia di cercare spazi sconosciuti
Per allenare la tua mente
a nuovi stati di coscienza

Quand l'image que tu as de toi
ne coincide plus avec ce que tu es réellement
Quand tu commences à haine les automatismes
de ta facon d'agir
Et quand les chagrins prennent le pas
sur la joie de vivre
Avec les peines que nous apportent l'existence
Et t vas chercher des espaces inconnus
Pour une nouvelle conscience

Il faut abandonner la personalitè
pour retrouver votre "je"
Changer dame cheval et chevalier
Changer d'habit baton et penseé

Personalità empirica © 2001 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Personalità empirica" begins with the piano playing an opening theme of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1, Opus 23. The message of the song is very Gurdjieffian.

We must give up the personality
to recover your "I"
Change lady, horse and knight
Change your coat and thought
(hold the night for the two of us
until the end of the world)

When it no longer fits, the image
you have of yourself
with what you really are,
and you begin to detest the mechanical processes
and your behaviors
and then the woes that surpass the joy of life
with the disappointments that existing brings us,
you get the urge to search for unknown spaces
to train your mind
in new states of consciousness.

When the image you have of you
no longer coincides with what you really are,
when you begin to hate the automatisms
of your way of acting,
and when sorrows take precedence
over the joy of living
with the sorrows that existence bring us
and you're going to look for unknown spaces
for a new consciousness

We must give up the personality
to recover your "I"
Change lady, horse and knight
Change your coat and thought

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Ferro Battuto was released in 2001, with a sound decidedly more pop than Gommalacca, reflecting a desire on Battiato's part to communicate more directly with his public. The lyrics on most of the songs were co-written by Battiato and Manlio Sgalambro.
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