Sunday, May 5, 2019

Il cammino interminabile - The Unending Way

Se vuoi conoscere i tuoi pensieri di ieri
osserva il tuo corpo oggi
Se vuoi sapere come sarai domani
osserva i tuoi pensieri di oggi

Ci penzi quannu abballamu
E dintra all'occhi tutte e dui ni vaddamu
Stu novu amicu tò nan sapi nenti...
No sapi caia statu ju lu tò amanti
Li turchi mi pigghiaru intra lu cori
A tradimentu m'arrubbaru l'amuri
‘nzignatimi la via prima cà scura
Ca di sti patti stannu d'arretu e mura
Si no mi cuccu ‘n terra o ‘nda lu lettu
Ca di li vermi sugnu già mangiatu tuttu
Si no mi cuccu ‘n terra o ‘nda lu lettu...

Curri e na stanca ‘u cavaddu ‘i Monreali
Curri e na stanca ‘u cavaddu ‘i Monreali
Curri e na stanca ‘u cavaddu ‘i Monreali

‘U tempu sta finennu na ‘n ci pinzari
Macari aceddi sunu stanchi di cantari
Su tempu sta finennu na ‘n ci pinzari
Macari aceddi sunu stanchi di cantari
Mi l'aia passatu tra peni e turmenti
Li peni di lu ‘nfernu nan su nenti

Curri e na stanca ‘u cavaddu ‘i Monreali
Curri e na stanca ‘u cavaddu ‘i Monreali
Curri e na stanca ‘u cavaddu ‘i Monreali

Il cammino interminabile © 2001 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Il cammino interminabile" begins with phrases reminiscent of a Buddhist discourse found in the Majjhima Nikāya. The rest of the song consists of fragments in the Sicilian dialect taken from popular songs and common phrases of speech.

If you want to know yesterday's thoughts,
observe your body today.
If you want to know how you will be tomorrow,
observe your thoughts today.

Do you remember when we used to dance,
and in our eyes we both were watching ourselves?
This new friend of yours know nothing . . .
He doesn’t know that I was your lover.
The Turks took me straight into their heart,
backstabbing they robbed me of love.
Teach me the way before it gets dark.
Because in these parts they lurk behind the walls,
if I don’t lie down on the ground or in bed.
Because everything is already eaten by the worms,
if I don’t lie down on the ground or in bed.

The horse of Montreal runs without tiring.
The horse of Montreal runs without tiring.
The horse of Montreal runs without tiring.

Time is running out, don’t worry about it.
Even the birds are tired of singing.
If time is running out, don’t worry about it,
even the birds are tired of singing.
I struggled with pain and torment,
the pains of hell are nothing.

The horse of Montreal runs without tiring.
The horse of Montreal runs without tiring.
The horse of Montreal runs without tiring.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Ferro Battuto was released in 2001, with a sound decidedly more pop than Gommalacca, reflecting a desire on Battiato's part to communicate more directly with his public. The lyrics on most of the songs were co-written by Battiato and Manlio Sgalambro.
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