Friday, May 3, 2019

Sarcofagia - The Practice of Eating Meat

Fu nefasta e temibile l’età del tempo
Di profonda e irrimediabile povertà
Quando ancora non si distingueva
l’aurora dal tramonto
Quando l’aria della prima origine
mischiata a torbida
E instabile umidità
al fuoco ed alla furia dei venti
Celava il cielo e gli astri

Come può la vista sopportare
l’uccisione di esseri
Che vengono sgozzati e fatti a pezzi
Non ripugna il gusto berne gli umori e il sangue
Le carni agli spiedi crude
E c’era come un suono di vacche
Non è mostruoso desiderare di cibarsi
Di un essere che ancora emette suoni
Sopravvivono i riti di sarcofagia e cannibalismo
Sopravvivono i riti di sarcofagia e cannibalismo

Fu nefasta e temibile l’età del tempo
Di profonda e irrimediabile povertà
Quando ancora non si distingueva
l’aurora dal tramonto
Quando l’aria della prima origine
mischiata a torbida
E instabile umidità
al fuoco ed alla furia dei venti
Celava il cielo e gli astir

Sopravvivono i riti di sarcofagia e cannibalismo
Sopravvivono i riti di sarcofagia e cannibalismo

Sarcofagia © 2001 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Sarcofagia" uses images and material taken from Plutarch's De Esu Carnium, a treatise written when he was young arguing against eating meat. Battiato became a vegetarian sometime in the 1990s.

It was nefarious and terrifying the age of the time
of deep and hopeless poverty,
when they still didn’t distinguish
sunrise from sunset,
when the air of the first origin,
mixed with turbid
and unstable humidity,
from the fire and the fury of the winds
concealed the sky and the stars.

How can sight stand
the killing of beings
that become slaughtered and made into pieces.
Drinking the juices and blood isn’t repugnant,
the raw meats on the skewers,
and there was something like a sound of cows.
It’s not monstrous to desire to feed oneself
a being that still emits sounds.
The rites of flesh eating and cannibalism survive.
The rites of flesh eating and cannibalism survive.

It was nefarious and terrifying the age of the time
of deep and hopeless poverty,
when they still didn’t distinguish
sunrise from sunset,
when the air of the first origin,
mixed with turbid
and unstable humidity,
from the fire and the fury of the winds
concealed the sky and the stars.

The rites of flesh eating and cannibalism survive.
The rites of flesh eating and cannibalism survive.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Ferro Battuto was released in 2001, with a sound decidedly more pop than Gommalacca, reflecting a desire on Battiato's part to communicate more directly with his public. The lyrics on most of the songs were co-written by Battiato and Manlio Sgalambro.
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