Saturday, January 5, 2019

Splendide previsioni - Splendid Forecast

Brief an das Nichts
Unbekanntes Nichts
Sage mir ein Wort
Eine Schnee Nadel jenseits des Schweigens

Le previsioni danno nuvole nere
Stormi di temporali in arrivo
Io sono pronto ad ogni evenienza
Ad ogni nuova partenza:
Un viaggiatore che non sa dove sta andando...

Enormi uccelli d'oro solcano il cielo
Spruzzi di fuoco da i forni
La gente vive senza più testa
La specie è in mutazione
E non sappiamo dove stiamo andando...

Eine Briefmarke mit tropischen Urpflanzen
Die Schatten sind umgekehrt
Zauber Grün vergiftetes Grün
Die Hand die schreibt ist ebenso ein Schatten

You and I will never die
Standing in the shadow
Of the night
In un punto altissimo
And I'm never in touch
With your heart

Le previsioni danno nuvole nere
Stormi di temporali in arrivo
Io sono pronto ad ogni evenienza
Ad ogni nuova partenza:
E non sappiamo dove stiamo andando

Die Hand die schreibt
Ist ebenso ein Schatten
Aus der Ferne ein Klang
Wenn mann zuhört
Ist er schon verschwunden

Splendide previsioni © 1996 Franco Battiato, Manlio Sgalambro & Fleur Jaeggy

The German text in "Splendide previsioni" is written and recited by Swiss writer, and occasional collaborator with Battiato, Fleur Jaeggy. The Italian lyrics have harmonies supplied by Antonella Ruggiero, and the English lyrics have harmonies by Nicola Walker Smith.

Letter to the Nothing,
unknown Nothing.
Say to me a word,
a snow needle beyond silence.

The forecast says black clouds,
flocks of incoming storms.
I am ready for every contingency,
for every new departure:
a traveler who knows not where he’s going . . .

Enormous golden birds ply the sky,
sprays of fire from the ovens.
The people live without a head anymore,
the species is in mutation
and we don’t know where we’re going . . .

A stamp with tropical protoplants –
the shadows are reversed.
Magic green, poisoned green,
the hand that writes is precisely so a shadow.

You and I will never die
standing in the shadow
of the night,
at a point most high,
And I'm never in touch
with your heart

Enormous golden birds ply the sky,
sprays of fire from the ovens.
The people live without a head anymore,
the species is in mutation
and we don’t know where we’re going . . .

The hand that writes
is precisely so a shadow,
a sound from afar.
When man listens
is he already gone?

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'imboscata (The Ambush) was released in 1996. It marked another change of direction for Battiato, returning to the world of rock and the electric guitar after his turn into classical music sonorities beginning in 1986. He also felt a desire to connect to a larger popular audience (the sales of his previous album were the lowest of all his pop albums going back to 1979; L'imboscata became the second best selling album of the year). The album cover is a painting by Antoine-Jean Gros - Napoleon at the Pyramids. Like the previous album, the lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on "Di passaggio" and "La cura." The album was dedicated to the writer Gesualdo Bufalino, a close friend of Battiato's.
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