Tuesday, January 8, 2019

La cura - The Cure

Ti proteggerò dalle paure
delle ipocondrie
Dai turbamenti che da oggi
incontrerai per la tua via
Dalle ingiustizie e dagli inganni
del tuo tempo
Dai fallimenti che per tua natura
normalmente attirerai

Ti solleverò dai dolori
e dai tuoi sbalzi d'umore
Dalle ossessioni delle tue manie
Supererò le correnti gravitazionali
Lo spazio e la luce per non farti invecchiare
E guarirai da tutte le malattie
Perché sei un essere speciale
Ed io, avrò cura di te

Vagavo per i campi del Tennessee
Come vi ero arrivato, chissà
Non hai fiori bianchi per me?
Più veloci di aquile i miei sogni
Attraversano il mare

Ti porterò soprattutto il silenzio e la pazienza
Percorreremo assieme le vie
che portano all'essenza
I profumi d'amore inebrieranno i nostri corpi
La bonaccia d'agosto non calmerà i nostri sensi
Tesserò i tuoi capelli come trame di un canto
Conosco le leggi del mondo,
e te ne farò dono
Supererò le correnti gravitazionali
Lo spazio e la luce per non farti invecchiare
Ti salverò da ogni malinconia
Perché sei un essere speciale
ed io avrò cura di te
Io sì, che avrò cura di te

La cura © 1996 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

Of "La cura," Battiato said, "I was touched by a little light that allowed me to write this piece. A true and rare moment of the purest inspiration." One of two songs on the album where Battiato had input on the lyrics, the song became one of his most beloved works, and has been covered by a number of other artists, a love song at once cerebral and yet profoundly moving.

I'll protect you from the fears
of the hypochondriacs,
from the turmoils that from today
you will encounter in your life,
from the injustices and from the deceptions
of your time,
from the failures that by your nature
you will normally attract.

I'll lift you from the sorrows
and from your mood swings,
from the obsessions of your delusions.
I will overcome the gravitational currents,
space, and light to make you not age,
and I will heal from all the illnesses
because you are a special being
and I, I will take care of you.

I wandered the fields of Tennessee.
How I arrived there, who knows?
Don’t you have white flowers for me?
Faster than eagles, my dreams
cross the ocean.

I'll carry you above the silence and the patience,
we’ll follow together the ways
that carry to the essence.
The scents of love will intoxicate our bodies,
the stillness of August won’t calm our senses.
I'll weave your hair like plots of a song.
I know the laws of the world
and I’ll make a gift to you of them.
I will overcome the gravitational currents,
space, and light to make you not age.
I will save you from every gloom
because you are a special being,
and I'll take care of you.
Yes, me, who will take care of you.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'imboscata (The Ambush) was released in 1996. It marked another change of direction for Battiato, returning to the world of rock and the electric guitar after his turn into classical music sonorities beginning in 1986. He also felt a desire to connect to a larger popular audience (the sales of his previous album were the lowest of all his pop albums going back to 1979; L'imboscata became the second best selling album of the year). The album cover is a painting by Antoine-Jean Gros - Napoleon at the Pyramids. Like the previous album, the lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on "Di passaggio" and "La cura." The album was dedicated to the writer Gesualdo Bufalino, a close friend of Battiato's.

Cover by Algebra, with Steve Hackett and Anthony Phillips, known for their work with Genesis
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