Sunday, January 6, 2019

Amata solitudine - Beloved Solitude

A quel tempo tu stavi, sicura di te,
della tua logica
Guidando e parlando ininterrottamente...
Ed io, che già non ti ascoltavo più,
come ipnotizzato
Seguivo gli occhi che seguivano i colori
I raggi elettrici della città
Chissà cos'è quel moto
che ci unisce e ci divide
E quel parlare inutilmente
delle nostre incomprensioni
Per certi passeggeri malumori

Amata solitudine
Isola benedetta

A quel tempo di te, amavo il tuo pensiero logico
E quella linea perfetta del baciare
La simmetria delle tue carezze;
Vivificato dal chiarore vibrante di sapore:
Scintilla di una mente universale
Ero in te come un argomento
del tuo amore sillogistico
Conclusione di un ragionamento
Ma mi piaceva essere così
Avviluppato dai tuoi sensi artificiali
Ora sono come fluttuante...

Amata solitudine
Isola benedetta

Così è finita, mi stacco da te
Da solo continuo il viaggio
Rivedo daccapo il cielo colorato di sole
Di nuovo vivo

The light comes over the night
I open my eyes without you
The light comes over the night
I open my eyes without you

Amata solitudine © 1996 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Amata solitudine" was inspired by a passage from Lawrence Durrell's Justine: "Our love ... was like a syllogism lacking its true premises ... It was a kind of mental possession."

At that time you were sure of yourself,
of your logic,
driving and talking without interruption . . .
And I, already not listening to you any more,
as if hypnotized,
I followed my eyes that followed the colors,
the electric radiation of the city.
Who knows what the motion is
that joins and divides us.
And that useless talking
about our incomprehensions
for certain ill-tempered passengers.

Beloved solitude,
blessed island.

At that time of you, I loved your logical thought
and that perfect line of kissing,
the symmetry of your caresses;
enlivened by the vibrant glow of flavor:
spark of a universal mind.
I was in you like a theme
of your syllogistic love,
conclusion of a reasoning.
But I liked being like that,
enveloped by your artificial senses.
Now I am as if fluctuating . . .

Beloved solitude,
blessed island.

Like that it’s finished, I detach from you.
Alone I continue the voyage.
I see anew the sun-colored sky,
once more alive.

The light comes over the night,
I open my eyes without you.
The light comes over the night,
I open my eyes without you.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'imboscata (The Ambush) was released in 1996. It marked another change of direction for Battiato, returning to the world of rock and the electric guitar after his turn into classical music sonorities beginning in 1986. He also felt a desire to connect to a larger popular audience (the sales of his previous album were the lowest of all his pop albums going back to 1979; L'imboscata became the second best selling album of the year). The album cover is a painting by Antoine-Jean Gros - Napoleon at the Pyramids. Like the previous album, the lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on "Di passaggio" and "La cura." The album was dedicated to the writer Gesualdo Bufalino, a close friend of Battiato's.
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