Friday, January 4, 2019

Ecco com'è che va il mondo! -
This Is How the World Goes!

Era la più grassa puttana
Che mai avessi visto
La donna più grassa che avessi guardato
Aveva un vestito di seta cangiante
Perline al collo, un ventaglio di struzzo
Mani delicate
Uno le disse:
"schifosa montagna di grasso"
Rise e dimenò il corpo come a dire sì
O buon Gesù, certo sì
Farlo con te non deve essere comodo
Sei grassa come tre.....
E invece no, invece mi dicono
Che bel posto hai
Sei più bella di Marilyn
O di Evelyn, non ricordo più
Rise e dimenò il capo
Farfugliò qualcosa, come a dire sì

Vedete come va il mondo?
Ecco com'è che va il mondo!

La mia anima non stilla miele e dolcezze
Happyness and truth, bisogni naturali
Ma io ho una bambina, negli intervalli
Che mi accarezza i bianchi capelli
E gli anni si fanno docili al suo tocco
Mi bacia sulle guance crudeli
E giochi pazienti di rami mi intreccia
Con le sue pupille da gatta

Era d'aprile o forse era maggio?
Per caso la rincontrai
Risi e dimenai il capo
Farfugliai qualcosa tanto per dire sì

Vedete come va il mondo?
Ecco com'è che va il mondo!

Ecco com'è che va il mondo! © 1996 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Ecco com'è che va il mondo!" is a

She was the fattest whore
I’d ever seen,
the fattest woman I’d ever gazed upon.
She wore a glistening silk dress,
little pearls around her neck, an ostrich fan,
delicate hands.
Someone said to her:
“disgusting mountain of fat.”
She laughed and wiggled her body as if to say
“Yes” or “Good Lord, certainly yes.”
Doing it with you doesn’t have to be comfortable,
you’re as fat as three . . .
And instead no, instead they say to me
“What a beautiful place you have,
you’re prettier than Marilyn
or than Evelyn, I don’t remember any more.”
She laughed and wiggled her head.
She mumbled something as if to say yes.

Do you see how the world goes?
This is how the world goes!

My spirit doesn’t ooze honey and sweetness,
happiness and truth, natural needs,
but I have a little girl, in the intermissions,
who caresses my white hair.
And the years are tamed at her touch.
She kisses me on my rough cheeks
and patient games of branches entwine me
with their cats eyes.

Was it April or perhaps it was May?
By chance I met her again.
I laughed and wiggled my head.
I muttered something such as to say yes.

Do you see how the world goes?
This is how the world goes!

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'imboscata (The Ambush) was released in 1996. It marked another change of direction for Battiato, returning to the world of rock and the electric guitar after his turn into classical music sonorities beginning in 1986. He also felt a desire to connect to a larger popular audience (the sales of his previous album were the lowest of all his pop albums going back to 1979; L'imboscata became the second best selling album of the year). The album cover is a painting by Antoine-Jean Gros - Napoleon at the Pyramids. Like the previous album, the lyrics were by the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro, with Battiato's input on "Di passaggio" and "La cura." The album was dedicated to the writer Gesualdo Bufalino, a close friend of Battiato's.
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