Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Up Patriots to Arms

La fantasia dei popoli che è giunta fino a noi
Non viene dalle stelle...
Alla riscossa stupidi che i fiumi sono in piena
Potete stare a galla
E non è colpa mia se esistono carnefici
Se esiste l'imbecillità
Se le panchine sono piene di gente che sta male

Up patriots to arms, Engagez-Vous
La musica contemporanea, mi butta giù

L'ayatollah Khomeini per molti è santità
Abbocchi sempre all'amo
Le barricate in piazza le fai
per conto della borghesia
Che crea falsi miti di progresso
Chi vi credete che noi siam,
per i capelli che portiam
Noi siamo delle lucciole
che stanno nelle tenebre

Up patriots to arms, Engagez-Vous
La musica contemporanea, mi butta giù

L'Impero della musica è giunto fino a noi
Carico di menzogne
Mandiamoli in pensione i direttori artistici
Gli addetti alla cultura...
E non è colpa mia se esistono spettacoli
Con fumi e raggi laser
Se le pedane sono piene
Di scemi che si muovono

Up patriots to arms, Engagez-Vous
La musica contemporanea, mi butta giù

Up Patriots to Arms © 1980 Franco Battiato

In 1975 in a pub in Birmingham, England, Battiato saw "Up Patriots to Arms" emblazoned on a poster. For this new album, he thought it was a good sentiment as he embarked on making changes and trying new things musically. This song begins with a snippet of Richard Wagner's Tannhäuser, over which Battiato speaks in Arabic, which he studied seriously for a while. The last four lines of the 2nd verse are taken from a 1966 song by the Nomads, "Come potete giudicar," a cover of Sonny Bono's "The Revolution Kind."

The popular fantasy that has come down to us
doesn’t come from the stars . . .
To the rescue, idiots ‘til the rivers are full.
You can stay with your head above water
and it’s not my fault if executioners exist,
if imbecility exists,
if the benches are full of sick people.

Up patriots to arms, commit yourself.
Contemporary music is getting me down.

The Ayatollah Khomeini, for many, is sanctity.
You always take the bait.
The barricades in the plaza you make
on behalf of the bourgeoisie,
who create false myths of progress.
Who do you believe we are,
for the hair that we wear?
We are some fireflies
who stay in the darkness.

Up patriots to arms, commit yourself.
Contemporary music is getting me down.

The empire of music has come down to us
laden with lies.
Let’s send the artistic directors into retirement,
the adepts of culture . . .
And it’s not my fault if shows exist
with smoke and laser beams,
if the risers are full
of apes that move around.

Up patriots to arms, commit yourself.
Contemporary music is getting me down.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser
The final lines of "Venezia-Istanbul" are taken from Inno dei lavoratori, written in 1886 by Filippo Turati, who was instrumental in the founding of the Italian Socialist Party.

Patriots was released in 1980. In the lyrics of this album, there emerge a greater emphasis on irony, the use of foreign languages, and the stringing together of disconnected phrases into montages that may or may not yield meaning upon further analysis, and whose purpose may at times be as much musical as semantic. As is typical with Battiato, there are references to literature, art, philosophy, religion, and music, along with snapshots of personal memories, that form a mix of both high and everyday culture.
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