Saturday, March 3, 2018

Arabian Song

Qala' mua'llimu'll qariatì
Kana aggiabalu fi-ggiabali
A-ssalam 'alaikum 'alaiki
Alana ana asskunu...

La mia classe fu allevata
con il latte di una capra e del pane di frumento
A quei tempi per divertimento
non avevano inventato il telegiornale
Quando ero più giovane
credevo che esistesse libertà

Qala' mua'llimu'll qariatì
Kana aggiabalu fi-ggiabali
A-ssalam 'alaikum 'alaiki
Alana ana asskunu...

Da bambini si giocava sulle spiagge
con degli aquiloni a gara sotto il sole
Mentre guardavamo il mio salire
verso l'alto preoccupati che non si sciupasse
La mia parte assente
si identificava con l'umidità

Qala' mua'llimu'll qariatì
Kana aggiabalu fi-ggiabali
A-ssalam 'alaikum 'alaiki
Alana ana asskunu...

Gli orchestrali sono uguali in tutto il mondo
simili ai segnali orario delle radio
Le domeniche e nei giorni di vacanza
ci si organizzava per le feste in casa
L'uomo è l'animale più domestico
e più stupido che c'è

Qala' mua'llimu'll qariatì
Kana aggiabalu fi-ggiabali
A-ssalam 'alaikum 'alaiki
Alana ana asskunu...

Arabian Song © 1980 Franco Battiato

During this period of time, Battiato was a serious student of the Arabic language, among other things. The choruses in Arabic make an intriguing glue that holds together the various memories and reflections in the verses.

The master of our region said,
“It was the mountain inside the mountain,
may peace be with you.
Now I reside.”

My class was reared
on goat’s milk and some wheat bread.
In those times, for entertainment,
they hadn’t invented TV news.
When I was younger
I believed there was complete freedom.

The master of our region said,
“It was the mountain inside the mountain,
may peace be with you.
Now I reside.”

We played as kids on the beaches
with some racing kites under the sun.
While we watched mine rise
up high, worried that it might get damaged,
my distracted part
identified with the humidity.

The master of our region said,
“It was the mountain inside the mountain,
may peace be with you.
Now I reside.”

Orchestras are the same the world over,
similar to radio time tones.
On Sundays and vacation days
plans were made for parties at home.
Man is the tamest
and stupidest animal there is.

The master of our region said,
“It was the mountain inside the mountain,
may peace be with you.
Now I reside.”

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Patriots was released in 1980. In the lyrics of this album, there emerge a greater emphasis on irony, the use of foreign languages, and the stringing together of disconnected phrases into montages that may or may not yield meaning upon further analysis, and whose purpose may at times be as much musical as semantic. As is typical with Battiato, there are references to literature, art, philosophy, religion, and music, along with snapshots of personal memories, that form a mix of both high and everyday culture.
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