Thursday, March 1, 2018

Passaggi a livello - Railroad Crossings

Correvano veloci lungo le gallerie
I treni di una volta trasportavano le spie
Nelle carrozze letto sposi in luna di miele
Facevano l'amore con l'ausilio del motore

Mio nonno preferiva per la villeggiatura
Portare i suoi parenti coi bagagli in carrozzella
L'aria della campagna carica di letame
Spostava vibrazioni di una vita troppo bella

Correvano veloci su quelle giardiniere
La gente si sbracciava salutando alle frontiere
La vita, ci prendeva con strana frenesia
Guardare il fumo uscire
dalle macchine a vapore

Giocavano sull'aia bambini e genitori
Calasso li avvertiva dal Corriere della Sera:
"Copritevi che fa freddo,
mettetevi le galosce"...

Good vibrations, Satisfaction, sole mio
Cinderella mit violino, Lux aeterna
Galileo, douce France, Nietzsche-Lieder
Kurosawa, meine Liebe
Mister Einstein on the beach
Mister Einstein on the beach

Passaggi a livello © 1980 Franco Battiato

"Passaggi a livello" is like an elegy for times past, capped off with a sequence of song titles and names.

They ran fast through the tunnels –
the trains of another time transported spies.
In the sleeping cars, spouses on honeymoon
made love with the help of the engine.

My grandpa preferred, for the holiday,
to bring his relatives, their bags in a wheelchair.
The country air suffused with manure
displaced the vibe of a life too fine.

They ran fast on those Giardinieras (Fiat).
People waved their arms, waving at the borders.
Life, it grabbed us with strange frenzy,
watching the smoke emit
from the steam engines.

They played in the farmyard, kids and parents.
Calasso warned them from the Corriere della Sera:
“Cover yourselves in the cold,
put on your galoshes” . . .

Good vibrations, Satisfaction, sole mio
Cinderella with violin, Eternal Light
Galileo, Sweet France, Nietzsche-Lieder
Kurosawa, Meine Liebe
Mister Einstein on the beach
Mister Einstein on the beach

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Patriots was released in 1980. In the lyrics of this album, there emerge a greater emphasis on irony, the use of foreign languages, and the stringing together of disconnected phrases into montages that may or may not yield meaning upon further analysis, and whose purpose may at times be as much musical as semantic. As is typical with Battiato, there are references to literature, art, philosophy, religion, and music, along with snapshots of personal memories, that form a mix of both high and everyday culture.
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