Monday, March 5, 2018

Le Aquile - The Eagles

Il vento gonfiava le mie vesti
Di veramente
stabile erano le mie scarpe nere
Alle caviglie ortopediche
Un tempo passavo ore in palestra
Continuai a inseguirla per inerzia

La vidi stagliarsi tra alberi e cielo
E dopo un piccolo volo
Camminare monca e rapida
Avrete anche voi visto
Camminare le aquile

Le aquile © 1980 Franco Battiato & Fleur Jaeggy

The second verse of "Le aquile" are taken from a short novel by Fleur Jaeggy, The Water Statues.

The wind filled my clothes.
firm were my black shoes,
orthopedic, around my ankles.
One time I spent hours in the gym.
I continued to chase after it for no good reason.

I saw it, standing out between trees and sky,
and after a little flight,
walking gimp and rapid.
Even you all would have seen
the eagles walking.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Patriots was released in 1980. In the lyrics of this album, there emerge a greater emphasis on irony, the use of foreign languages, and the stringing together of disconnected phrases into montages that may or may not yield meaning upon further analysis, and whose purpose may at times be as much musical as semantic. As is typical with Battiato, there are references to literature, art, philosophy, religion, and music, along with snapshots of personal memories, that form a mix of both high and everyday culture.
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