Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sentimiento nuevo - New Feeling

Es un sentimiento nuevo
Che mi tiene alta la vita
La passione nella gola
L'eros che si fa parola
Le tue strane inibizioni
Non fanno parte del sesso
I desideri mitici di prostitute libiche
Il senso del possesso che fu pre-alessandrino
La tua voce come il coro
delle sirene di Ulisse m'incatena
Ed è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo
è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo

Tutti i muscoli del corpo
Pronti per l'accoppiamento
Nel Giappone delle geishe
Si abbandonano all'amore
Le tue strane inibizioni
Che scatenano il piacere
Lo shivaismo tantrico
Di stile dionisiaco
La lotta pornografica dei Greci e dei Latini
La tua pelle come un'oasi
nel deserto ancora mi cattura
Ed è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo
è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo

I desideri mitici di prostitute libiche
Il senso del possesso che fu pre-alessandrino
La tua voce come il coro
delle sirene di Ulisse m'incatena
Ed è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo
è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo

Sentimiento nuevo © 1981 Franco Battiato

"Sentimiento nuevo" is about the joy of losing yourself in the most carnal aspect of love, a theme Battiato will return to in future albums, though it is not a theme he is known to have experienced much in his own life.

It’s a new feeling
that lifts up my life –
the passion in the throat,
the eros that is made word.
Your strange inhibitions
are not part of sex –
the mythic desires of the Libyan prostitutes,
the pre-Alexandrian sense of possession,
your voice like the chorus
of the Sirens of Ulysses enchants me.
And it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment,
it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment.

All the muscles of the body,
ready for mating.
In the Japan of the Geishas
they abandoned themselves to love.
Your strange inhibitions
that stir up pleasure –
the tantric Shivism
Dionysian style,
the pornographic struggle of the Greeks and Latins.
Your skin like an oasis
in the desert still captures me.
And it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment,
it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment.

The mythic desire of the Lybian prostitutes,
the pre-Alexandrian sense of possession.
Your voice like the chorus
of the Sirens of Ulysses enchants me.
And it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment,
it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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