Thursday, April 5, 2018

Gli uccelli - Birds

Volano gli uccelli volano
Nello spazio tra le nuvole
Con le regole assegnate
A questa parte di universo
Al nostro sistema solare

Aprono le ali
Scendono in picchiata atterrano
meglio di aeroplani
Cambiano le prospettive al mondo
Voli imprevedibili ed ascese velocissime
Traiettorie impercettibili
Codici di geometria esistenziale

Migrano gli uccelli emigrano
Con il cambio di stagione
Giochi di aperture alari
Che nascondono segreti
Di questo sistema solare

Aprono le ali
Scendono in picchiata atterrano
meglio di aeroplani
Cambiano le prospettive al mondo
Voli imprevedibili ed ascese velocissime
Traiettorie impercettibili
Codici di geometria esistenziale

Volano gli uccelli volano
Nello spazio tra le nuvole
Con le regole assegnate
A questa parte di universo
Al nostro sistema solare

Gli uccelli © 1981 Franco Battiato

In the Islamic tradition, birds are a symbol of the immortality of the soul, and Sufis see in them the rebirth of the spirit.

Birds fly, they fly
in the space between the clouds
with the laws assigned
to this part of the universe,
to our solar system.

They open their wings,
they descend in a dive, they land
better than airplanes.
They change the world’s perspectives,
unforeseen flights and rapid ascents,
imperceptible flight paths,
codes of existential geometry.

Birds migrate, they emigrate
with the change of season.
Plays of wingspans
that hide secrets
of this solar system.

They open their wings
they descend in a dive, they land
better than airplanes.
They change outlooks the world over,
unpredictable flights and rapid-fast ascents
imperceptible flight patterns,
codes of existential geometry.

Birds fly, they fly
in the space between the clouds
with the laws assigned
to this part of the universe,
to our solar system.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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