Saturday, April 7, 2018

Summer on a Solitary Beach

Passammo l'estate
Su una spiaggia solitaria
E ci arrivava l'eco di un cinema all'aperto
E sulla sabbia un caldo tropicale
Dal mare
E nel pomeriggio
Quando il sole ci nutriva
Di tanto in tanto un grido
copriva le distanze
E l'aria delle cose diventava

Mare mare mare voglio annegare
Portami lontano a naufragare
Via via via da queste sponde
Portami lontano sulle onde

A wonderful summer
On a solitary beach
Against the sea
"le grand hotel Sea-Gull Magique"
Mentre lontano un minatore bruno

Mare mare mare voglio annegare
Portami lontano a naufragare
Via via via da queste sponde
Portami lontano sulle onde

Summer on a Solitary Beach © 1981 Franco Battiato

With "Summer on a Solitary Beach" Battiato wanted to evoke a metaphysical beach like might be found in certain fantasy fiction writers he'd read.

We spent the summer
on a solitary beach,
and the echo of an outdoor cinema arrived there.
And on the beach, the tropical heat
from the sea.
And in the afternoon
when the sun nourished us,
every once in a while a shout
covered the distances
and the air of things became

Sea, sea, sea, I want to drown.
Carry me far away to shipwreck,
away, away, away from these shores,
carry me far away on the waves

A wonderful summer
on a solitary beach.
Against the sea
“The Grand Hotel Sea-Gull Magique”
while far away a brown miner

Sea, sea, sea, I want to drown.
Carry me far away to shipwreck,
away, away, away from these shores,
carry me far away on the waves.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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