Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Voglio vederti danzare - I Want to See You Dancing

Voglio vederti danzare
Come le zingare del deserto
Con candelabri in testa
O come le balinesi nei giorni di festa
Voglio vederti danzare
Come i Dervisches Tourners
Che girano sulle spine dorsali
O al suono di cavigliere del Katakali

E gira tutt'intorno la stanza
Mentre si danza, danza
E gira tutt'intorno la stanza
Mentre si danza

E Radio Tirana trasmette
Musiche balcaniche, mentre
Danzatori bulgari
A piedi nudi sui braceri ardenti
Nell'Irlanda del nord
Nelle balere estive
Coppie di anziani che ballano
Al ritmo di sette ottava

Gira tutt'intorno la stanza
Mentre si danza, danza
E gira tutt'intorno la stanza
Mentre si danza

Nei ritmi ossessivi
la chiave dei riti tribali
Regni di sciamani
E suonatori zingari ribelli

Nella Bassa Padana
Nelle balere estive
Coppie di anziani che ballano
Vecchi Valzer Viennesi

Voglio vederti danzare © 1982 Franco Battiato

Of "Voglio vederti danzare," Battiato said, "I find dance to be a very high expression of culture. I don't mean folkloric dance, but rather the type of dance-quest that desires to break out of the body." Also, "These women . . . have a shared body language. In their hands and in their movements are hidden secret codes. You feel that there is an ancient wisdom that passes through their body." (from interviews with Franco Pulcini)

I want to see you dancing
like the gypsies of the desert
with candelabras on their heads,
or like the Balinese during festival days.
I want to see you dance
like the Whirling Dervishes
who spin on their backbones,
or to the sound of ankle bracelets of the Kathakali.

And spin all around the room
while you dance, dance.
And spin all around the room
while you dance.

And Radio Tirana broadcasts
Balkan musics, while
Bulgarian dancers
barefoot on the hot coals;
in Northern Ireland
in the summer dance halls,
couples of oldsters who dance
to a 7/8 rhythm.

Spin all around the room
while you dance, dance
and spin all around the room
while you dance.

In the obsessive rhythms
the key of the tribal rites,
kingdoms of shamans
and wild gypsy players.

In the lower Po
in the summer dance halls,
elder couples who dance
to old Viennese waltzes.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'arca di Noe was released in 1982. Giusto Pio collaborated on the musical compositions and arrangements. After its release, there were some critics who began to reassess Battiato and who charged him with putting forward right-wing ideas. To which Battiato responded, "Stupidly, there are those who have defined me as 'idealogue of the new right,' but in reality I am a conservative, in the ancestral sense. Because I think that all the current technological and scientific development, indeed a sort of neo-religion, has strongly deteriorated the qualities of man. And I, to the contrary, am for the recovery of the best traditions of civilized man." These charges led Battiato to avoid encounters with both the press and the public and concentrate on his work in the studio as producer and writer for other artists.
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