Wednesday, May 2, 2018

New Frontiers

L'evoluzione sociale non serve al popolo
Se non è preceduta da un'evoluzione di pensiero

The new frontiers
Of the nouvelle vague
Organizza la tua mente in nuove dimensioni
Libera il tuo corpo da ataviche oppressioni
Organizza la tua mente in nuove dimensioni
Libera il tuo corpo da ataviche oppressioni

The new frontiers
Of the nouvelle vague
Libera la tua immaginazione temporale
E mandala al potere nel tuo organo sessuale
Libera la tua immaginazione temporale
E mandala al potere nel tuo organo sessuale

Uomini innocenti
Dagli istinti un po' bestiali
Cercano l'amore dentro i parchi
E lungo i viali
Le pareti del cervello
Non hanno più finestre

New Frontiers © 1982 Franco Battiato

"New Frontiers" must be understand in the context of Gurdjieff, according to whom the real world is hidden behind the wall of your uncontrolled thoughts and immagination. To awaken from the dream, one must liberate onself from atavistic habits and reach a certain understanding where you can channel your energies into useful mental activity. Battiato said you must first understand, then change, otherwise there is confusion.

Social evolution doesn’t serve the people
if it isn’t preceded by an evolution in thought.

The new frontiers
of the French new wave -
organize your mind in new dimensions,
free your body from atavistic oppressions.
Organize your mind in new dimensions,
free your body from atavistic oppressions.

The new frontiers
of the French new wave -
free your temporal imagination
and send it to the power in your sexual organs.
Free your temporal imagination
and send it to the power in your sexual organs.

Men innocent
of instincts somewhat bestial,
they look for love inside the parks
and along the avenues.
The walls of the brain
no longer have windows.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'arca di Noe was released in 1982.
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