Saturday, May 5, 2018

L'esodo - The Exodus

Gloria in excelsis deo
Gott mit Uns
Ein Zwei Drei

Prima che la terza Rivoluzione Industriale
Provochi l'ultima grande esplosione nucleare
Prepariamoci per l'esodo
Il grande esodo
Un esodo
Per noi giovani del futuro

Fine dell'imperialismo degli invasori russi
E del colonialismo inglese e americano
Prepariamoci per l'esodo
Il grande esodo
Un esodo
Per noi

Nelle vie calde la temperatura s'alzerà
Moltitudine, moltitudine
Non si erano mai viste
Code tanto grandi, tanto lunghe
Tanto grandi, tanto lunghe
Moltitudine, moltitudine
Mamma mia che festa

Gloria in excelsis deo
Gott mit Uns
Ein Zwei Drei

Arriveranno da tutte le parti
Dalle città, dalle campagne
Dal nord (sud)
dal sud (da ponente, da levante)
per l'esodo
Il grande esodo
Un esodo
Per noi

Nelle vie calde la temperatura si alzerà
Moltitudine, moltitudine
Non si erano mai viste
Code tanto grandi, tanto lunghe
Tanto grandi, tanto lunghe
Moltitudine, moltitudine
Mamma mia che festa

L'esodo © 1982 Franco Battiato & Tommaso Tramonti

Battiato considered "L'esodo" the conceptual backbone of the album, humanity on the brink of a precipice. Like "Clamori," the lyrics were co-written with his spiritual teacher Tommaso Tramonti, who was a student of Gurdjieff. In the printed insert that came with the album, the song was presented as "the final dance party, filled with an eros that will raise the temperature inside of us by 5 degrees."

Glory to God in the highest.
God with us.
One two three.

Before the third Industrial Revolution
provokes the final great nuclear explosion,
let’s prepare ourselves for the exodus,
the grand exodus,
an exodus
for us youngsters of the future.

End of the imperialism of Russian invaders
and of English and American colonialism.
Let’s prepare ourselves for the exodus,
the grand exodus,
an exodus
for us.

In the hot roadways the temperature will rise,
multitudes, multitudes –
never seen before were
the queues so big, so long,
so big, so long.
Multitudes, multitudes –
mamma mia what a party.

Glory to God in the highest.
God with us.
One two three.

They will arrive from all corners,
from the cities, from the countrysides
from the north (south),
from the south (from the west, from the east)
for the exodus,
the grand exodus,
an exodus
for us.

In the hot roadways the temperature will rise,
multitudes, multitudes –
never seen before were
the queues so big, so long,
so big, so long.
Multitudes, multitudes –
mamma mia what a party.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'arca di Noe was released in 1982. Giusto Pio collaborated on the musical compositions and arrangements. After its release, there were some critics who began to reassess Battiato and who charged him with putting forward right-wing ideas. To which Battiato responded, "Stupidly, there are those who have defined me as 'idealogue of the new right,' but in reality I am a conservative, in the ancestral sense. Because I think that all the current technological and scientific development, indeed a sort of neo-religion, has strongly deteriorated the qualities of man. And I, to the contrary, am for the recovery of the best traditions of civilized man." These charges led Battiato to avoid encounters with both the press and the public and concentrate on his work in the studio as producer and writer for other artists.
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