Thursday, May 3, 2018

La torre - The Tower

Giù dalla torre
Butterei tutti quanti gli artisti
Perché le trombe del giudizio suoneranno
Per tutti quelli che credono in quello che fanno
Per gli spartani
Una volta era uguale
Buttavano giù da una rupe
Quelli che venivano male
Giù dalla torre
Butterei tutti quanti i teatranti
E nostra signora dei turchi
Specchio delle mie brame,
chi è fra noi il più bravo del reame

E salverei
Chi non ha voglia di far niente
E non sa fare niente
Chi non ha voglia di far niente
E salverei
Chi non ha voglia di far niente
E non sa fare

Giù dalla torre
Butterei tutti quanti i registi
Gli attori e gli elettrodomestici
Per la vigilia della distruzione
Ritorneranno dinosauri antidiluviani
Una razza di super-rettili
Che si mangerà scialalalalalà
I presentatori
Specie quelli creativi
Che giocano ai quiz elettronici
Si mangerà
chi fa ma non sa quel che fa

Si salverà
Chi non ha voglia di far niente
E non sa fare niente
Chi non ha voglia di far niente
Si salverà
Chi non ha voglia di far niente
E non sa fare

La torre © 1982 Franco Battiato

"La torre" is a rant against people in show business, people whom Battiato described as "prima donnas, creative types out of necessity, cretin presenters, and those who believe blindly in everything they do." There is a direct reference to the 1968 film Our Lady of the Turks, by Carmelo Bene.

Down from the tower
I’d throw every last artist.
Why will the trumpets of the judge sound
for all those who believe in what they do?
For the Spartans
one time it was the same,
they threw down from a cliff
those who turned out bad.
Down from the tower
I would throw every last thespian
and our lady of the Turks,
mirror of my desires,
the one who among us is the best of realm.

And I would save
whoever doesn’t feel like doing anything
and doesn’t know how to do anything,
whoever doesn’t feel like doing anything.
And I would save
whoever doesn’t feel like doing anything
and doesn’t know how.

Down from the tower
I would throw every last director,
the actors and the home appliances.
On the eve of destruction
the antediluvian dinosaurs will return,
a race of super-reptiles
who will eat – sha-la-la-la-la-la –
the emcees,
those creative types
that play electronic quizzes -
whoever does without knowing what they do
will be eaten.

He will be saved,
who doesn’t feel like doing anything
and doesn’t know how to do anything,
he who doesn’t feel like doing anything.
He will be saved,
who doesn’t feel like doing anything
and doesn’t know how.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'arca di Noe was released in 1982. Giusto Pio collaborated on the musical compositions and arrangements. After its release, there were some critics who began to reassess Battiato and who charged him with putting forward right-wing ideas. To which Battiato responded, "Stupidly, there are those who have defined me as 'idealogue of the new right,' but in reality I am a conservative, in the ancestral sense. Because I think that all the current technological and scientific development, indeed a sort of neo-religion, has strongly deteriorated the qualities of man. And I, to the contrary, am for the recovery of the best traditions of civilized man." These charges led Battiato to avoid encounters with both the press and the public and concentrate on his work in the studio as producer and writer for other artists.
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