Monday, April 2, 2018

Centro di gravità permanente - Permanent Center of Gravity

Una vecchia bretone
Con un cappello e un ombrello
di carta di riso e canna di bambù
Capitani coraggiosi
Furbi contrabbandieri macedoni
Gesuiti euclidei
Vestiti come dei bonzi
per entrare a corte degli imperatori
Della dinastia dei Ming

Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Avrei bisogno di...
Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Over and over again

Per le strade di Pechino erano giorni di maggio
Tra noi si scherzava
a raccogliere ortiche
Non sopporto i cori russi
La musica finto rock la new wave italiana
il free jazz punk inglese
Neanche la nera africana

Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Avrei bisogno di...
Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Over and over again

Uh... wo-cciuwariwari wo-cciuwariwari
You are a woman in love
Baby I need your love
I want your love
Over and over again
Come in into my life
Baby, I want to give you my soul
Baby, I need your love
I need...

Centro di gravità permanente © 1981 Franco Battiato

Battiato said of "Centro di gravità permanente" that finding one's center is the objective of all the mystic traditions. It means discovering that part of yourself that is immobile and can silently observe the passing of thoughts and events.

An old Breton woman
with a hat and an umbrella
of rice paper and bamboo reed.
Courageous captains,
sly Macedonian smugglers,
Euclidean Jesuits
dressed like Buddhist monks
to enter the court of the emperors
of the Ming Dynasty.

I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on things, on people.
I would need . . .
I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on things, on people,
over and over again.

There were May days out in the streets of Beijing.
Among ourselves, kidding around
about collecting nettles.
I can’t stand Russian choruses,
fake rock music, Italian New Wave,
free jazz, English punk,
not even black African.

I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on the things, on the people
I would need . . .
I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on things, on people,
over and over again.

Uh... wo-cciuwariwari wo-cciuwariwari
You are a woman in love
Baby I need your love
I want your love
Over and over again
Come in into my life
Baby, I want to give you my soul
Baby, I need your love
I need...

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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