Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Le aquili non volano a stormi -                                       Eagles Don't Fly in Flocks

Giorni e mesi corrono veloci
La strada è oscura e incerta
E temo di offuscarmi
Non prestare orecchio alle menzogne
Non farti soffocare dai maligni
Non ti nutrire di invidie e gelosie

In silenzio soffro i danni del tempo
Le aquile non volano a stormi
Vivo è il rimpianto della via smarrita
Nell'incerto cammino del ritorno

Seguo la guida degli antichi saggi
Mi affido al cuore ed attraverso il male
A chi confessi i tuoi segreti?
Ferito al mattino a sera offeso
Salta su un cavallo alato
Prima che l'incostanza offuschi lo splendore

In silenzio soffro i danni del tempo
Le aquile non volano a stormi
Vivo è il rimpianto della via smarrita
Nell'incerto cammino del ritorno

Shizukani tokino kizuni kurushimu
Murewo kundewa tobanai taka
Furuki oshiewo tadotte
Kokoronomamani konokanashimiwo norikoete

Le aquili non volano a stormi © 2004 Franco Battiato, Yashima Kinimori & Manlio Sgalambro

The lyrics of "Le aquili non volano a stormi" are based on verses of the Chinese poet Qu Yuan, while the music is a reworking of "Tabida-chi" played by the Yoshida Brothers.

Days and months run quickly.
The road is dark and uncertain
and I fear obfuscating myself
Don’t lend an ear to the falsehoods,
don’t force yourself to suffocate on evils,
don’t feed yourself envies and jealousies.

In silence I suffer the damages of time –
eagles don’t fly in flocks.
Alive is the regret about the road not taken
in the uncertain path of return.

I follow the guide of the ancient wise ones,
I trust my heart and cross over evil.
To whom do you confess your secrets?
Injured in the morning, evenings offended,
jump on a winged horse
before inconstancy obfuscates the splendor.

In silence I suffer the damages of time,
eagles don’t fly in flocks.
Alive is the regret of the road not taken
in the uncertain path of return.

It is quietly wearing a crack
Do you not end up murmuring?
Following School of Evolution
Leave this sadness as it is.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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