Friday, July 5, 2019

I'm That

What glorious light
Wisdom without bound
Wrapt in eternal solitary shade
The impenetrable gloom
Of light intense
Impervious inaccessible immense

And brought light to the gods and mortal man
My abstinence and renunciation left his heaven to me
You are a hero you are what is ten times more

We're come from stars’ cosmic nature
Now we are destroying the future

A real man
Everything is good
Inspired by love and wine

The light which is in me
Is now ablaze in me
I come from the first chosen

What joy to breathe the scent of open air
Which die like the last rays of the sun
No mortal man has lifted my veil

I'm neither Muslim nor Hindu
nor Christian nor Buddhist
I'm not for the hammer
neither for the sickle
and even less for tricolor flame
because I'm a musician

The light which is in me
Is now ablaze in me
I come from the first chosen

Which die like the last rays of the sun
No mortal man has lifted my veil

I'm That © 2004 Franco Battiato

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.

The English lyrics in "I'm That" are taken from A Hymn to Narayena, published in 1785 by the Anglo-Welsh philologist and India scholar William Jones. Narayena is a Sanskrit name for the spirit of God which means "moving on water." The other vocalist is Cristina Scabbia of the goth metal band Lacuna Coil.

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