Sunday, July 7, 2019

Fortezza Bastiani - Fortress Bastiani

Resisterà alle dolci lusinghe
la Fortezza Bastiani?
Bugiardi imbonitori l'assediano
Con violenze degne di Tamerlano

Resisterò andando incontro al piacere
Ascoltando il respiro trattenendo il calore
Su un'altra forma d'onda
intonerò il mio pensiero

Ho camminato girando a vuoto
Senza nessuna direzione
Mi tiene immobile nei limiti
L'ossessione dell'Io

Mi ritrovai seduto su una panchina
Al sole di febbraio
Un magico pomeriggio dai riflessi d'oro
E mi svegliai con l'aria di pioggia recente
Che aveva lasciato frammenti di gioia

Fortezza Bastiani © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Fortezza Bastiani" takes off from a line in Dino Buzzati's acclaimed 1940 novel The Tartar Steppe: "It amused me to describe this sheltering in defense against the rumors and the arrogance of the world." The violence of the 14th century conqueror Tamerlane (or Timur) was indeed intense - it is estimated that his military campaigns led to the death of 17 million people, about 5% of the world's population at the time.

Will the Fortress Bastiani
resist the sweet flatteries?
Fast-talking lies assault it
with violence worthy of Tamerlane.

I will resist, going against pleasure,
listening to the breath, holding the heat.
On another wave form
I will intone my thought.

I walked, wandering around
without any direction.
I hold myself unmoving within the limits,
the obsession of the I.

I found myself seated on a bench
in the February sun,
a magical afternoon by the reflections of gold,
and I woke up with the air of recent rain
that left fragments of joy.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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