Monday, July 8, 2019

Ermeneutica - Hermeneutics

Eiacula precocemente l'impero
Tornano i vecchi testamenti
Gli stati mostri si avventano sui regimi fascisti

Tensioni di tensioni di frustrazioni
si manifestano
Nel nostro seme si nascondono
si riproducono germi di desideri infetti
In my dreams I see you in a different way
The emotional colours of life
are changing completely

Sometimes we need to expel our seed
Where tensions of tensions hide

Mostruosa creatura (human virus)
Il suo nome è fanatismo
Solo quando il sacro parla (human virus)
L'eccelso prende forma

(human virus is coming inside us)

Deus est filius dei
Tutte le macchine al potere
gli uomini a pane ed acqua

And what is cosmos?
what is the meaning of the word?
History is bunk

Eiacula precocemente l'impero
Ritorna il circolo dei combattenti
Gli stati servi si inchinano
a quella scimmia di presidente
S'invade si abbatte
si insegue si ammazza il cattivo
Si inventano democrazie

A monstrous creature its name fanaticism
(human virus)
When the consecrated word speaks
Magnificence takes form

And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you
And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you

Ermeneutica © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Ermeneutica" was written after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. While Battiato felt that it wasn't the role of music to address social questions, he was sufficiently indignant, as he was formerly when he wrote "Povera Patria," to speak out. The song takes its title from a philosophical term that means the theory and methodology of interpretation. Battiato said, "We can't accept certain insults to reason. These scoundrels want to pass on the idea that if they kill five Marines it's a massacre willed by the forces of evil, while it's fair to count up 15,000 innocent victims in Iraq or 10,000 in Afghanistan, because those are the enemy. We know the truth, we must shout that Bush is a lying criminal."

The empire ejaculates precociously,
the old testaments return,
the monster states pounce on the Fascist regimes.

Tensions of tensions of frustrations
manifest themselves;
in our seed, germs of infected desires
hide and reproduce themselves.
In my dreams I see you in a different way.
The emotional colours of life
are changing completely.

Sometimes we need to expel our seed
where tensions of tensions hide.

Monstrous creature (human virus) –
its name is fanaticism.
Only when the sacred speaks (human virus)
does the exalted take form.

(human virus is coming inside us)

God is son of god.
All the machines to power,
the men to bread and water.

And what is cosmos?
what is the meaning of the word?
History is bunk.

The empire ejaculates precociously,
the circus of combatants returns.
The servant states bow
down to that ape of a president,
the bad is invaded, beaten down,
followed, murdered,
democracies are invented.

A monstrous creature its name fanaticism
(human virus).
When the consecrated word speaks,
magnificence takes form.

And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you
And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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