Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Tra sesso e castità - Between Sex and Chastity

Andando a caso consideravo
girando per strade vuote
Che l’equilibrio si vede da sè
si avverte immediatamente
Ribussa ai miei pensieri
un desiderio di ieri
Ed è l’eterna lotta
tra sesso e castità

Chissà com’è la tua vita oggi
E chissà perché avrò abdicato

Scorrono gli anni nascosti dal fatto
che c’è sempre molto da fare
E il tempo presente si lascia fuggire
con scuse condizionali
Ribussa ai miei pensieri
un desiderio di ieri
Ed è l’eterno scontro
tra sesso e castità

Chissà com’è la tua vita oggi
E chissà perché avrò abdicato

Tra i sussurri l’indolente ebbrezza
di ascendere e cadere qui
Tra la vita e il sonno,
la luce e il buio
dove forze oscure
Da sempre si scatenano

Felici i giorni in cui il fato ti riempie
di lacrime ed arcobaleni
Della lussuria che tenta i papaveri
con turbinii e voglie

… Chissà perché avrò abdicato
con te riproverei ...
Per capriccio gioco per necessità
Mi divido così
tra astinenza e pentimenti
Tra sesso e castità

Tra sesso e castità © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Tra sesso e castità " is a

Going around randomly, I considered,
wandering the empty streets,
that the equilibrium one sees by itself
is felt immediately.
Knocking again at my thoughts is
a desire from yesterday,
and it’s the eternal struggle
between sex and chastity.

Who knows how your life is today,
and who knows why I’ll have abdicated?

The years flow by hidden from the fact
that there is always much to do,
and the present time is left to flee
with conditional excuses.
Knocking again at my thoughts is
a desire from yesterday,
and it’s the eternal encounter
between sex and chastity.

Who knows how your life is today,
and who knows why I’ll have abdicated?

Between whispers the indolent intoxication
of rising and falling here.
Between life and sleep,
light and darkness,
where obscure forces
since forever have been unleashed.

Happy the days in which fate fills you
with tears and rainbows,
with the lust that tempts the poppies,
with whirlwinds and desires.

Who knows why I will have abdicated,
with you I would try again . . .
On a whim I play for necessity.
I divide myself thus,
between abstinence and regrets,
between sex and chastity.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Le aquili non volano a stormi -                                       Eagles Don't Fly in Flocks

Giorni e mesi corrono veloci
La strada è oscura e incerta
E temo di offuscarmi
Non prestare orecchio alle menzogne
Non farti soffocare dai maligni
Non ti nutrire di invidie e gelosie

In silenzio soffro i danni del tempo
Le aquile non volano a stormi
Vivo è il rimpianto della via smarrita
Nell'incerto cammino del ritorno

Seguo la guida degli antichi saggi
Mi affido al cuore ed attraverso il male
A chi confessi i tuoi segreti?
Ferito al mattino a sera offeso
Salta su un cavallo alato
Prima che l'incostanza offuschi lo splendore

In silenzio soffro i danni del tempo
Le aquile non volano a stormi
Vivo è il rimpianto della via smarrita
Nell'incerto cammino del ritorno

Shizukani tokino kizuni kurushimu
Murewo kundewa tobanai taka
Furuki oshiewo tadotte
Kokoronomamani konokanashimiwo norikoete

Le aquili non volano a stormi © 2004 Franco Battiato, Yashima Kinimori & Manlio Sgalambro

The lyrics of "Le aquili non volano a stormi" are based on verses of the Chinese poet Qu Yuan, while the music is a reworking of "Tabida-chi" played by the Yoshida Brothers.

Days and months run quickly.
The road is dark and uncertain
and I fear obfuscating myself
Don’t lend an ear to the falsehoods,
don’t force yourself to suffocate on evils,
don’t feed yourself envies and jealousies.

In silence I suffer the damages of time –
eagles don’t fly in flocks.
Alive is the regret about the road not taken
in the uncertain path of return.

I follow the guide of the ancient wise ones,
I trust my heart and cross over evil.
To whom do you confess your secrets?
Injured in the morning, evenings offended,
jump on a winged horse
before inconstancy obfuscates the splendor.

In silence I suffer the damages of time,
eagles don’t fly in flocks.
Alive is the regret of the road not taken
in the uncertain path of return.

It is quietly wearing a crack
Do you not end up murmuring?
Following School of Evolution
Leave this sadness as it is.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Monday, July 8, 2019

Ermeneutica - Hermeneutics

Eiacula precocemente l'impero
Tornano i vecchi testamenti
Gli stati mostri si avventano sui regimi fascisti

Tensioni di tensioni di frustrazioni
si manifestano
Nel nostro seme si nascondono
si riproducono germi di desideri infetti
In my dreams I see you in a different way
The emotional colours of life
are changing completely

Sometimes we need to expel our seed
Where tensions of tensions hide

Mostruosa creatura (human virus)
Il suo nome è fanatismo
Solo quando il sacro parla (human virus)
L'eccelso prende forma

(human virus is coming inside us)

Deus est filius dei
Tutte le macchine al potere
gli uomini a pane ed acqua

And what is cosmos?
what is the meaning of the word?
History is bunk

Eiacula precocemente l'impero
Ritorna il circolo dei combattenti
Gli stati servi si inchinano
a quella scimmia di presidente
S'invade si abbatte
si insegue si ammazza il cattivo
Si inventano democrazie

A monstrous creature its name fanaticism
(human virus)
When the consecrated word speaks
Magnificence takes form

And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you
And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you

Ermeneutica © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Ermeneutica" was written after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. While Battiato felt that it wasn't the role of music to address social questions, he was sufficiently indignant, as he was formerly when he wrote "Povera Patria," to speak out. The song takes its title from a philosophical term that means the theory and methodology of interpretation. Battiato said, "We can't accept certain insults to reason. These scoundrels want to pass on the idea that if they kill five Marines it's a massacre willed by the forces of evil, while it's fair to count up 15,000 innocent victims in Iraq or 10,000 in Afghanistan, because those are the enemy. We know the truth, we must shout that Bush is a lying criminal."

The empire ejaculates precociously,
the old testaments return,
the monster states pounce on the Fascist regimes.

Tensions of tensions of frustrations
manifest themselves;
in our seed, germs of infected desires
hide and reproduce themselves.
In my dreams I see you in a different way.
The emotional colours of life
are changing completely.

Sometimes we need to expel our seed
where tensions of tensions hide.

Monstrous creature (human virus) –
its name is fanaticism.
Only when the sacred speaks (human virus)
does the exalted take form.

(human virus is coming inside us)

God is son of god.
All the machines to power,
the men to bread and water.

And what is cosmos?
what is the meaning of the word?
History is bunk.

The empire ejaculates precociously,
the circus of combatants returns.
The servant states bow
down to that ape of a president,
the bad is invaded, beaten down,
followed, murdered,
democracies are invented.

A monstrous creature its name fanaticism
(human virus).
When the consecrated word speaks,
magnificence takes form.

And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you
And now I am far from you
Now I’m far from you

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Fortezza Bastiani - Fortress Bastiani

Resisterà alle dolci lusinghe
la Fortezza Bastiani?
Bugiardi imbonitori l'assediano
Con violenze degne di Tamerlano

Resisterò andando incontro al piacere
Ascoltando il respiro trattenendo il calore
Su un'altra forma d'onda
intonerò il mio pensiero

Ho camminato girando a vuoto
Senza nessuna direzione
Mi tiene immobile nei limiti
L'ossessione dell'Io

Mi ritrovai seduto su una panchina
Al sole di febbraio
Un magico pomeriggio dai riflessi d'oro
E mi svegliai con l'aria di pioggia recente
Che aveva lasciato frammenti di gioia

Fortezza Bastiani © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Fortezza Bastiani" takes off from a line in Dino Buzzati's acclaimed 1940 novel The Tartar Steppe: "It amused me to describe this sheltering in defense against the rumors and the arrogance of the world." The violence of the 14th century conqueror Tamerlane (or Timur) was indeed intense - it is estimated that his military campaigns led to the death of 17 million people, about 5% of the world's population at the time.

Will the Fortress Bastiani
resist the sweet flatteries?
Fast-talking lies assault it
with violence worthy of Tamerlane.

I will resist, going against pleasure,
listening to the breath, holding the heat.
On another wave form
I will intone my thought.

I walked, wandering around
without any direction.
I hold myself unmoving within the limits,
the obsession of the I.

I found myself seated on a bench
in the February sun,
a magical afternoon by the reflections of gold,
and I woke up with the air of recent rain
that left fragments of joy.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Saturday, July 6, 2019

L'odore di polvere da sparo - The Smell of Gunpowder

È vero che sul Mar Nero sul mare nero
Le rose fioriscono tre volte?
E' vero che le colonne doriche
Vanno in briciole e si sente parlare di distanze
Per andare ad Alessandria d'Egitto?
Fasto della vecchia Europa
L'odore di polvere da sparo
Sparso per quartieri mentre una banda
Accompagna le reliquie della santa
Impulsi religiosi dell'Occidente. Accidente

Le truppe schierate di fronte
A un ordine sparano i fucili
Le prime file cadono a pioggia
Il fumo si addensa al sudore
(La parte sinistra di Baku
Guardando il porto
È la vendetta)

L'odore di polvere da sparo
Sparso per quartieri mentre una banda
Accompagna le reliquie della santa
Impulsi religiosi dell'Occidente. Accidente

L'odore di polvere da sparo © 2004 Franco Battiato, Maurizio Arcieri & Manlio Sgalambro

The music of "L'odore di polvere da sparo" was co-written with Maurizio Arcieri of the electronic music duo Krisma. What might seem like a bit of word play with Occident/Accident is actually a reference to Gurdjieff's Law of Accident, which states that man acts like a machine, subject to all manner of external influences.

Is it true that on the Black Sea, on the Black Sea,
roses bloom three times?
Is it true that the Doric columns
turn to crumbs and you hear about distances
to go to Alexandria of Egypt?
Splendors of Old Europe,
the smell of gunpowder
scattered through neighborhoods while a band
accompanies the Holy Relics -
religious impulses of the Occident. Accident.

The troops lined up at the front
upon an order fire their rifles.
The first rows fall down like rain,
the smoke thickens on the sweat
(the left part of Baku
watching the port
it’s the vendetta.).

The smell of gunpowder
scattered through neighborhoods while a band
accompanies the Holy Relics -
religious impulses of the Occident. Accident.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Friday, July 5, 2019

I'm That

What glorious light
Wisdom without bound
Wrapt in eternal solitary shade
The impenetrable gloom
Of light intense
Impervious inaccessible immense

And brought light to the gods and mortal man
My abstinence and renunciation left his heaven to me
You are a hero you are what is ten times more

We're come from stars’ cosmic nature
Now we are destroying the future

A real man
Everything is good
Inspired by love and wine

The light which is in me
Is now ablaze in me
I come from the first chosen

What joy to breathe the scent of open air
Which die like the last rays of the sun
No mortal man has lifted my veil

I'm neither Muslim nor Hindu
nor Christian nor Buddhist
I'm not for the hammer
neither for the sickle
and even less for tricolor flame
because I'm a musician

The light which is in me
Is now ablaze in me
I come from the first chosen

Which die like the last rays of the sun
No mortal man has lifted my veil

I'm That © 2004 Franco Battiato

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.

The English lyrics in "I'm That" are taken from A Hymn to Narayena, published in 1785 by the Anglo-Welsh philologist and India scholar William Jones. Narayena is a Sanskrit name for the spirit of God which means "moving on water." The other vocalist is Cristina Scabbia of the goth metal band Lacuna Coil.

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Thursday, July 4, 2019

Conforto alla vita - Solace to Life

Nella sventura non ti colga sgomento
Per te non sorga il giorno
Che alla tua gioia sia compenso di dolore
Ah, quante volte un malefico vento ti colse
Ma il soave profumo risaturò subito l'aria

Il nembo spesso sovrastò minaccioso
Ma fu disperso prima che dal grembo scuro
Si scatenasse orribile tempesta

Ah, quanto fumo si levò che non fu fiamma
Sii forte e sereno
anche nei giorni dell'avverso fato

In un canneto un vento asciutto e svogliato
Portava insieme confusi e inutili pensieri

Ah, quante volte alzando gli occhi al cielo
Spinte dalle correnti ho visto le nuvole vagare

La sera insegna ad attendere il giorno
Che arriva come sempre
a chiudere i passaggi della notte

Conforto alla vita © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

In "Conforta alla vita," Sgalambro elaborates on some concepts found in the work of the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder.

In misfortune, dismay doesn’t grab you.
For you, a day doesn’t rise
that your joy is remunerated with sadness.
Ah, how many times an ill wind seized you
but sweet perfume quickly resaturated the air.

The rain cloud often towered menacingly
but was dispersed before, from its dark womb,
could erupt a terrible storm.

Ah, how much smoke rose that wasn’t fire.
Be strong and serene
even in the days of adverse destiny.

In a cane field a dry and listless wind
brought together confused and useless thoughts.

Ah, how many times, raising eyes to the sky,
I saw clouds wandering, driven by currents.

The evening teaches the day to attend,
that arrives as always
to close the passages of the night.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

23 coppie di cromosomi - 23 Copies of Chromosomes

La matematica è il tribunale del mondo.
Il numero è ordine e disciplina.
Ciò con cui si indica lo scopo della scienza,
tradisce col termine la cosa.
L'ordine già il termine ha qualcosa di bieco,
che sa di polizia, adombra negli adepti
le forze dell'ordine cosmico, i riti cosmici.
L'autentico sentimento scientifico
è impotente davanti all'universo.
L'inflazione che caccia
nelle mani dell'individuo,
in un gesto solo, miliardi di marchi,
lasciandolo più miserabile di prima,
dimostra punto per punto
che il denaro è un'allucinazione collettiva.

To be a kangaroo
To be a spider
Metamorphosis is coming

23 coppie di cromosomi © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

The Italian text in "23 coppie di cromosomi" is an extract from Sgalambro's 1996 book La Morte del Sole (The Death of the Sun). The song begins with a clear musical nod to Karlheinz Stockhausen's seminal work "Gesang der Jünglinge im Feuerofen" ("Song of the Youths in the Furnace").

Mathematics is the courtroom of the world.
The number is order and discipline.
That with which is indicated the scope of science,
it reveals with terms the thing.
Order, already the term is somewhat sinister,
it smacks of police, it overshadows in the followers
the forces of cosmic order, the cosmic rites.
The authentic scientific sentiment
is impotent in front of the universe.
The inflation that hunts
in the hands of the individual,
in a single gesture, billions of brands,
leaving it more miserable than before,
proves point by point
that money is a collective hallucination.

To be a kangaroo
To be a spider
Metamorphosis is coming

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Apparenza e realtà - Appearance and Reality

Atomi eterni
Inalterabili e senza causa
Wer die Natur retten will, wird sie verlieren
Kein schüler zu sein und kein Meister zu können
Ihr blaues blut
Den sie noch mit der realität
Über ruinen

Soviel Schein, soviel sein
Apparenza e realtà
Soviel Schein, soviel sein

Tempi tumultuosi e quindi
resto confinato nella mia stanza
Immobilizzato da così tanta lontananza
al mondo
Mi sento estraneo

Wer die Natur retten will, wird sie verlieren
Kein schüler zu sein und kein Meister zu können
Soviel Schein, soviel sein
Apparenza e realtà
Soviel Schein, soviel sein

Apparenza e realtà

Apparenza e realtà © 2004 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

In "Apparenza e realtà" Battiato is joined by the electronic music duo Krisma. The song title references Appearance and Reality, the principle work of the British philosopher F. H. Bradley. As an adolescent, Sgalambro was passionate about Bradley's thinking.

Eternal atoms,
inalterable and without cause.
If you want to save nature, you will lose it.
Not being a student and not being a master
Her blue blood
You still with the reality
About ruins

So much glow, so much being.
Appearance and reality.
So much glow, so much being.

Tumultuous times and therefore
I remain confined in my room.
Immobilized by so much distance
to the world,
I feel foreign.

If you want to save nature, you will lose it.
Not being a student and not being a master.
So much glow, so much being
Appearance and reality
So much glow, so much being

Appearance and reality.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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Monday, July 1, 2019

La porta dello spavento supremo -                                       The Door of the Supreme Fright

Quello che c'è ciò che verrà
Ciò che siamo stati
E comunque andrà
Tutto si dissolverà

Nell'apparenza e nel reale
Nel regno fisico o in quello astrale
Tutto si dissolverà

Sulle scogliere fissavo il mare
Che biancheggiava nell'oscurità
Tutto si dissolverà

Bisognerà per forza
Attraversare alla fine
La porta dello spavento supremo

Il sogno . . .

Il nulla emanava la pietra grigia
E attorno campi di zafferano
Passavano donne bellissime
In sete altere ...
Passavano donne bellissime
In sete altere ...

La porta dello spavento supremo © 2004 Franco Battiato, Manlio Sgalambro & Fleur Jaeggy

In "La porta dello spavento supremo," Sgalambro and Battiato trade verses, written by Sgalambro in the first part and by Fleur Jaeggy in "The Dream." Battiato said that the song came directly from the Vedas, where "it is said that to pass into more elevated spheres you must abandon not only material reality, but also your memory."

That which is, what will come,
what we were
and in any case will go,
everything will dissolve.

In appearance and for real,
in the physical realm or in the astral one,
everything will dissolve.

On the reefs I stared at the sea
that whitened in obscurity –
everything will dissolve.

It will need perforce
to cross over to the end –
the door of the supreme fright.

The dream . . .

Nothingness emanated the gray rock
and around fields of saphron
beautiful women passed
in proud silks.
Beautiful women passed
in proud silks.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Dieci stratagemmi - Attraversare il mare per ingannare il cielo was released in 2004. The title is a takeoff on the Chinese essay Thirty-Six Stratagems, which discusses strategies used in war and politics. The lyrics were mostly co-written by Battiato and the Sicilian philosopher Manlio Sgalambro.
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