Monday, November 5, 2018

Sui giardini della preesistenza -
Over the Gardens of Pre-Existence

Torno a cantare il bene e gli splendori
Dei sempre più lontani tempi d'oro
Quando noi vivevamo in attenzione
Perché non c'era posto per il sonno
Perché non v'era notte allora

Beati nel dominio della Preesistenza
Fedeli al regno che era nei Cieli
Prima della caduta sulla Terra
Prima della rivolta nel dolore
Prima della rivolta nel dolore

Tu volavi lieve
Sui giardini della preeternità
Poi ti allungavi
Sopra i gelsomini

Ho visto dei cavalli in mezzo all'erba
Seduti come lo sono spesso i cani
E senza tregua vedo buio intorno
Voglio di nuovo gioia nel mio cuore
Un tempo in alto e pieno di allegria

Beati nel dominio della Preesistenza
Prima della caduta sulla Terra
Prima della rivolta nel dolore
Un tempo in alto

Sui giardini della preesistenza © 1993 Franco Battiato

"Sui giardini della preesisteza" is a song rooted in Sufism, which was the first pillar of Battiato's spiritual life and from which comes the doctrine of a heavenly pre-existence of the soul, far from the suffering and worries that humans experience after they incarnate on this earth.

I turn to sing of the good and the splendors
of the ever more distant golden age
when we lived in attentiveness,
because there was no place for sleep,
because then there was no night.

Blissful in the domain of Pre-Existence,
loyal to the kingdom that was in the Heavens
before the fall to Earth,
before the uprising in suffering,
before the uprising in suffering.

You flew gently
over the gardens of pre-eternity
then you stretched out
over the jasmine.

I saw some horses in the grass
seated like dogs often are,
and without respite I see darkness all around.
I want joy back in my heart,
once high and full of happiness.

Blissful in the domain of Pre-Existence,
before the fall to Earth,
before the uprising in suffering,
once high.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Caffé de la Paix was released in 1993 and sees a return to using rock band instrumentation on some of the songs, combined with both classical/orchestral textures and the use of Eastern ethnic instruments like tabla and tanbur. The album brings together many of Battiato's cultural and musical interests, and the Caffé of its title refers to the Paris café where George Gurdjieff often went to write and to meet his students. The teachings of Gurdjieff are one of the three spiritual pillars in Battiato's life and work, along with Sufism and Tibetan Buddhism.
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