Saturday, November 3, 2018

Ricerca sul terzo - Research on the Third

Mi siedo alla maniera degli antichi Egizi
Coi palmi delle mani
Dolcemente stesi sulle gambe
E il busto eretto e naturale
Un minareto verso il cielo
Cerco di rilassarmi e abbandonarmi
Tanto da non avere più tensioni
O affanni

Come se fossi entrato in pieno sonno
Ma con i sensi sempre più coscienti e svegli
E un grande beneficio
Prova il corpo, il cuore e la mia mente
Che spesso ai suoi pensieri m'incatena
Mi incatena

Somma la vista
Ad occhi chiusi
Sottrai la distanza
E il terzo scoprirai
Che si espande e si ritrova
Dividi la differenza

Ricerca sul terzo © 1993 Franco Battiato

"Ricerca sul terzo" is an instructional description of the type of mediation that Battiato practices. The "third" here is the third eye, the gateway to one's spiritual dimension.

I sit down in the manner of the ancient Egyptians
with the palms of my hands
gently extended on the legs
and torso erect and natural,
a minaret towards the sky.
I try to relax and abandon myself
so as not to have more tensions
or anxieties.

As if I had entered into full sleep
but with the senses always more aware and awake,
and a great benefit
is felt in the body, the heart, and my mind,
that often chains me to its thoughts,
it enchains me.

Sum up the view
with eyes closed.
Subtract the distance,
and the third you will discover,
that you expand and find yourself.
Divide the difference.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Caffé de la Paix was released in 1993 and sees a return to using rock band instrumentation on some of the songs, combined with both classical/orchestral textures and the use of Eastern ethnic instruments like tabla and tanbur. The album brings together many of Battiato's cultural and musical interests, and the Caffé of its title refers to the Paris café where George Gurdjieff often went to write and to meet his students. The teachings of Gurdjieff are one of the three spiritual pillars in Battiato's life and work, along with Sufism and Tibetan Buddhism.
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