Thursday, November 8, 2018

Caffé de la Paix - Peace Cafe

Ci si risveglia ancora in questo corpo attuale
Dopo aver viaggiato dentro il sonno
L'inconscio ci comunica coi sogni
Frammenti di verità sepolte:
Quando fui donna o prete di campagna
Un mercenario o un padre di famiglia

Per questo in sogno
ci si vede un po' diversi
E luoghi sconosciuti sono familiari
Restano i nomi e cambiano le facce
E l'incontrario: tutto può accadere
Com'era contagioso e nuovo il cielo....
E c'era qualche cosa in più nell'aria

Vieni a prendere un tè
Al "Caffé de la Paix"?
Su vieni con me

Devo difendermi da insidie velenose
E cerco di inseguire il sacro quando dormo
Volando indietro in epoche passate
In cortili, in primavera
Le sabbie colorate di un deserto
Le rive trasparenti dei ruscelli

Vieni a prendere un tè
Al "Caffé de la Paix"?
Su vieni con me
Vieni a prendere un tè
Al "Caffé de la Paix"?
Su vieni con me

Ancora oggi, le renne della tundra
Trasportano tribù di nomadi
Che percorrono migliaia di chilometri
in un anno...
E a vederli mi sembrano felici
Ti sembrano felici?

Caffé de la Paix © 1993 Franco Battiato

"Caffé de la Paix" is a song about traveling to past lives and distant epochs through the portal of dreams.

You wake up still in this current body
after having traveled around inside sleep.
The unconscious communicates with dreams,
fragments of truth buried:
when I was woman or small-town priest,
a mercenary or a family man.

For this in dreams
you see yourself a little different,
and unknown places are familiar.
The names remain and the faces change
and the reverse: everything can happen,
like how the sky was contagious and new . . .
and there were some additional things in the air.

Come take a tea
at the Peace Café?
Come along with me.

I have to defend myself from poisonous traps
and I try to follow the sacred when I sleep,
flying back to past epochs,
in courtyards, in spring,
the colored sands of a desert,
the transparent banks of the streams.

Come take a tea
at the Peace Café?
Come along with me.
Come take a tea
at the Peace Café?
Come along with me.

Still today, the reindeer of the tundra
carry tribes of nomads
who cover thousands of kilometers
in a year . . .
And upon seeing them, they seem happy to me.
Do they seem happy to you?

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Caffé de la Paix was released in 1993 and sees a return to using rock band instrumentation on some of the songs, combined with both classical/orchestral textures and the use of Eastern ethnic instruments like tabla and tanbur. The album brings together many of Battiato's cultural and musical interests, and the Caffé of its title refers to the Paris café where George Gurdjieff often went to write and to meet his students. The teachings of Gurdjieff are one of the three spiritual pillars in Battiato's life and work, along with Sufism and Tibetan Buddhism.
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