Sunday, November 4, 2018

Delenda Cartago - Carthage to Be Destroyed

Per terre incognite vanno le nostre legioni
A fondare colonie a immagine di Roma
"Delenda Carthago"
Con le dita colorate di henna su patrizi triclini
Si gustano carni speziate d'aromi d'Oriente;
In calici finemente screziati frusciano i vini
Le rose, il miele

Nei circhi e negli stadi
S'ammassano turbe stravolte
A celebrare riti di sangue

...Conferendis pecuniis
Ergo sollicitae tu causa, pecunia, vitae!
Per te immaturum mortis adimus iter;
Tu vitiis hominum crudelia pabula praebes
Semina curarum de capite orta tuo

Delenda Cartago © 1993 Franco Battiato & Angelo Arioli

"Delenda Cartago" calls forth a time when some in Imperial Rome wanted to destroy Carthage because of its wealth. Cato the Elder thought the situation dangerous to Rome, and he ended every speech with an admonition that has been abbreviated to "Delenda Cartago est." The first line of the final verse is from the Annals of Tacitus, and the remaining lines are from the Elegies of Propertius.

Our legions go for unknown lands
to found colonies in the image of Rome –
“Carthage to be destroyed.”
With henna-colored fingers on patrician triclinia,
meats spiced in flavors of the Orient are enjoyed;
in finely mottled chalices swirl the wines,
the roses, the honey.

In the circuses and in the stadiums
mad mobs amass
to celebrate blood rituals.

. . . Raising money . . .
So money you’re the cause of a troubled life!
It’s because of you we go death’s path too soon:
you offer human vices cruel nurture:
from your source the seeds of sorrow spring.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Caffé de la Paix was released in 1993 and sees a return to using rock band instrumentation on some of the songs, combined with both classical/orchestral textures and the use of Eastern ethnic instruments like tabla and tanbur. The album brings together many of Battiato's cultural and musical interests, and the Caffé of its title refers to the Paris café where George Gurdjieff often went to write and to meet his students. The teachings of Gurdjieff are one of the three spiritual pillars in Battiato's life and work, along with Sufism and Tibetan Buddhism.
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