Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Fogh in Nakhal - On the Palms

Fogh in-nakhal fogh ya ba
fogh in-nakhal fogh
medri lama'k khaddak ya ba
medri l-ghomar fogh
walla marida balini balwa

w-inshidni l-batran ya ba
lesh wajhak asfar wajhak asfar
kull marad ma biyya ya ba
min dard il-asmar
walla sabini b'ayuno l'helwa

Fogh in-nakhal fogh ya ba
fogh in-nakhal fogh
medri lama'k khaddak ya ba
medri l-ghomar fogh
walla marida balini balwa
walla sabini b'ayuno l'helwa

Fogh in-nakhal fogh ya ba
fogh in-nakhal fogh
medri lama'k khaddak ya ba
medri l-ghomar fogh
walla marida balini balwa

Fogh in Nakhal © 1993 Franco Battiato

"Fogh in Nakhal" is a popular Iraqi traditional song, here adapted by Battiato and Angelo Arioli, who also wrote lyrics for two other songs on Caffé de la Paix.

On the palms, up there,
on the palms, up there,
I don’t know if it’s your cheek that glows
or the moon, up there.
I don’t want it, but the pain torments me.

The insolent one asks me:
“Why is your face sallow?”
I don’t have a disease:
I suffer for that dark-haired person
who imprisons me with her sweet eyes.

On the palms, up there,
on the palms, up there,
I don’t know if it’s your cheek that glows
or the moon, up there.
I don’t want it, but the pain torments me,
imprisons me with her sweet eyes.

On the palms, up there,
on the palms, up there,
I don’t know if it’s your cheek that glows
or the moon, up there.
I don’t want it, but the pain torments me.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Caffé de la Paix was released in 1993 and sees a return to using rock band instrumentation on some of the songs, combined with both classical/orchestral textures and the use of Eastern ethnic instruments like tabla and tanbur. The album brings together many of Battiato's cultural and musical interests, and the Caffé of its title refers to the Paris café where George Gurdjieff often went to write and to meet his students. The teachings of Gurdjieff are one of the three spiritual pillars in Battiato's life and work, along with Sufism and Tibetan Buddhism.
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