Monday, June 4, 2018

Mal d'Africa - Africa Ache

Dopo pranzo si andava a riposare
Cullati dalle zanzariere e dai rumori di cucina;
Dalle finestre un po' socchiuse
spiragli contro il soffitto
E qualche cosa di astratto si impossessava di me
Sentivo parlare piano per non disturbare
Ed era come un mal d'Africa, mal d'Africa

Saturday night I'm a dreamer.
I can't live without you
on my own, like a photograph.
Please come back and stand by me.

Con le sedie seduti per la strada
Pantaloncini e canottiere, col caldo che faceva
Da una finestra di ringhiera
mio padre si pettinava;
L'odore di brillantina si impossessava di me
Piacere di stare insieme solo per criticare
Ed era come un mal d'Africa, mal d'Africa

Saturday night I'm a dreamer.
I can't live without you
on my own, like a photograph.
Please come back and stand by me.

Da una finestra di ringhiera
mio padre si pettinava;
L'odore di brillantina si impossessava di me
Piacere di stare insieme solo per criticare
Ed era come un mal d'Africa, mal d'Africa

Mal d'Africa © 1983 Franco Battiato

"Mal d'Africa" recounts scenes and memories from a Sicily of the past and injects it with a yearning and nostalgia for Africa, almost like a blues.

After lunch we went to rest,
cradled by mosquito nets and kitchen sounds.
From the windows slightly ajar,
ceiling fans.
And some abstractions took hold of me,
I heard talking, soft so as not to disturb,
and it was like an Africa ache, aching for Africa.

Saturday night I'm a dreamer.
I can't live without you
on my own, like a photograph.
Please come back and stand by me.

With the chairs, they were seated on the street,
shorts and tank tops, with the hot weather,
by a bannister window
my father combed his hair.
The smell of hair oil took hold of me.
The pleasure of being together only to criticize -
it was like an Africa ache, aching for Africa.

Saturday night I'm a dreamer.
I can't live without you
on my own, like a photograph.
Please come back and stand by me.

By a bannister window
my father combed his hair.
The smell of hair oil took hold of me.
The pleasure of being together only to criticize -
it was like an Africa ache, aching for Africa.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Orizzonti perduti was released in 1983. Giusto Pio co-wrote most of the songs, and collaborated on all the arrangements. Many of the songs on the album contemplate a world that is either lost or in the process of being lost, with many references to Battiato's native Sicily. The album relies almost entirely on electronic instrumentation. Regarding the album's title, it's quite possible that Battiato had in mind the book Lost Horizon, or the film of the same name, which introduced the utopian Shangri-La in the mountains of Tibet.
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