Sunday, June 3, 2018

La music è stanca - The Music is Tired

In quest'epoca di bassa fedeltà
e altissimo volume
Il rumore allucinante delle radio
non ci molla mai;
E quanti cantanti musicisti arrabbiati
Che farebbero meglio a smettere di fumare
Brutta produzione altissimo consumo
La musica è stanca, non ce la fa più
E quante cantanti di bella presenza
Che starebbero meglio a fare compagnia

Disco, disco. Telegatti
I'll never fall in love again
Come with me
At the end of the rainbow
(Portami via da questo mondo assurdo
Dalle illusioni e dai percorsi ereditari
Portami dentro un alveare
O nei bachi da seta e via da questo popolo
E via dal mio vicino
che attacca sempre il giradischi)

In quest'epoca di scarsa intelligenza
ed alta involuzione
Qualche scemo crede ancora
che veniamo dalle scimmie
E il sole soltanto una palla di fuoco
E non si sono accorti che è una forma
di una tappa di energia
Adamo colse della frutta
dall'albero della conoscenza
Poi l'ultima mela cadde sulla testa
Procurando un ematoma a Newton

Disco, disco. Telegatti
(I'll never fall in love again
Come with me
At the end of the rainbow)
(Portami via da questo mondo assurdo
Dalle illusioni e dai percorsi ereditari
Portami dentro un alveare
O nei bachi da seta e via da questo popolo
E via dal mio vicino
che attacca sempre il giradischi)

La music è stanca © 1983 Franco Battiato & Tommaso Tramonti

The lyrics to "La music è stanca" were co-written with Battiato's Gurdjieff teacher Tommaso Tramonti. According to Battiato, "The exaltation of technology, which is extraordinary from a certain point of view, is provoking the withering and flattening of mankind." So here we have invectives against pop music and, by extension, contemporary pop culture. A telegatto (a composition of tele(visione) and gatto which means "cat”) is an Italian television award first given out in 1971. The prize was a golden cat statue with the network's initials on his face.

In this era of low fidelity
and high volume
the mind-blowing noise of the radios
never lets up.
And so many singers, angry musicians
who would do better to quit smoking.
Ugly production, highest consumption –
the music is tired, it can’t take it anymore.
And so many singers of beautiful presence
who would be better off keeping company.

Disco, disco. Telekitties*
I'll never fall in love again.
Come with me
to the end of the rainbow.
(Carry me away from this absurd world,
from the illusions and from hereditary careers.
Carry me inside a beehive
or into silkworms and away from these people
and away from my neighbor
who always attacks the CD player.)

In this era of scarce intelligence
and high regression,
some idiots still believe
that we come from the apes,
and the sun is just a ball of fire,
and they don’t realize that it is one form
of one stage of energy.
Adam picked some fruit
from the tree of consciousness,
then the last apple fell on the head,
providing a bruise to Newton.

Disco, disco. Telekitties*
(I'll never fall in love again.
Come with me
to the end of the rainbow.)
(Carry me away from this absurd world,
from the illusions and from hereditary careers.
Carry me inside a beehive
or into silkworms and away from these people
and away from my neighbor
who always attacks the CD player.)

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Orizzonti perduti was released in 1983. Giusto Pio co-wrote most of the songs, and collaborated on all the arrangements. Many of the songs on the album contemplate a world that is either lost or in the process of being lost, with many references to Battiato's native Sicily. The album relies almost entirely on electronic instrumentation. Regarding the album's title, it's quite possible that Battiato had in mind the book Lost Horizon, or the film of the same name, which introduced the utopian Shangri-La in the mountains of Tibet.
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