Saturday, June 2, 2018

Gente in progresso - People in Progress

Torneranno di nuovo le piogge
riapriranno le scuole
Cadranno foglie lungo i viali
E ancora un altro inverno
Che porterà la neve e un'altra primavera
E tu che fai di sabato in questa città
Dove c'è gente che lavora,
per avere un mese all'anno di ferie

E poi nel bene, nel male,
è una questione sociale
Coatti nella convivenza,
affrontiamo il progresso
coi nostri problemi di sesso
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna,
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna

Torneremo di nuovo ai progetti
riguardo al nostro futuro
Guardando annunci sui giornali
Girando per le agenzie
E avremo nuovi amici
Vicini a nuovi amori
E poi soli di sabato
In questa città dove c'è gente che lavora
Nelle fabbriche in negozi dietro a scrivanie

E poi nel bene, nel male,
è una questione sociale
Coatti nella convivenza,
affrontiamo il progresso
coi nostri problemi di sesso
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna,
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna

Gente in progresso © 1983 Franco Battiato

Speaking of "Gente in progresso," Battiato has said, "Personal growth is the weak link of human evolution. We are regressing on the plane of basic values. We must bring back teachings and good examples in the families and schools. But I see incapable and disoriented parents. What dominates are neoprimitives and ignoramuses who watch only soccer games and varied foolishness on TV."

The rains will return again,
the schools will reopen,
leaves will fall along the streets.
And yet another winter
that brings snow, and another spring.
And what do you do on Saturday in this city
where there are people who work
to have one month of vacation per year?

And then for better or for worse,
it’s a social question.
Forced into living together,
we face progress
with our sex problems.
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna,
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna

We’ll return again to the projects
regarding our future.
Looking at ads in the magazines,
going around to the agencies.
And we’ll have new friends
nearby to new lovers,
and then alone on Saturdays
in this city where there are people who work
in the factories, in stores, behind desks.

And then for better or for worse,
it’s a social question.
Forced into living together,
we face progress
with our sex problems.
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna,
Hare, Hare, Hare Krisna

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Orizzonti perduti was released in 1983. Giusto Pio co-wrote most of the songs, and collaborated on all the arrangements. Many of the songs on the album contemplate a world that is either lost or in the process of being lost, with many references to Battiato's native Sicily. The album relies almost entirely on electronic instrumentation. Regarding the album's title, it's quite possible that Battiato had in mind the book Lost Horizon, or the film of the same name, which introduced the utopian Shangri-La in the mountains of Tibet.
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