Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Zone depresse - Depressed Areas

Le Domeniche pomeriggio d'estate
Zone depresse
Donne sotto I pergolati a chiacchierare
e a ripararsi un po' dal sole
Uomini seduti fuori dai caffè
Poi la fine un giorno arrivò per noi;
Dammi un po' di vino con l'Idrolitina

Problematiche, differenze di vita,
zone depresse
Dal barbiere al sabato per chiaccherare
e a turno leggere il giornale
Le ragazze in casa o fuori nei balconi;
Mi regali ancora timide erezioni;
guardavo di nascosto
I saggi ginnici nel tuo collegio

Deux pas en avant, deux pas en arrière
à droite à gauche

Au contraire
Faire un tour sur soi meme. S'arreter

Mi regali ancora timide erezioni;
guardavo di nascosto
I saggi ginnici nel tuo collegio

Zone depresse © 1983 Franco Battiato

"Zone depresse" is a collection of distant memories of a Sicily and a veiled love story in a place and time where the lives of men and women often unfolded in separate spaces.

Sunday afternoons of summer,
depressed areas.
Women under the arbors to chat
and take a little cover from the sun.
Men seated outside the cafes.
Then the end, one day, arrived for us.
Give me a little wine with the Tang.

Challenges, differences of life,
depressed areas.
At the barber on Saturday to talk
and in turn to read the newspaper.
Girls in the house or outside on the balconies.
You still give me timid erections;
I used to watch, hidden,
the gymnastics displays in your boarding school.

Two steps forward, two steps back
on the right on the left

On the contrary.
Take a ride on yourself. To stop.

You still give me timid erections;
I used to watch, hidden,
the gymnastics displays in your boarding school.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Orizzonti perduti was released in 1983. Giusto Pio co-wrote most of the songs, and collaborated on all the arrangements. Many of the songs on the album contemplate a world that is either lost or in the process of being lost, with many references to Battiato's native Sicily. The album relies almost entirely on electronic instrumentation. Regarding the album's title, it's quite possible that Battiato had in mind the book Lost Horizon, or the film of the same name, which introduced the utopian Shangri-La in the mountains of Tibet.
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