Saturday, April 7, 2018

Summer on a Solitary Beach

Passammo l'estate
Su una spiaggia solitaria
E ci arrivava l'eco di un cinema all'aperto
E sulla sabbia un caldo tropicale
Dal mare
E nel pomeriggio
Quando il sole ci nutriva
Di tanto in tanto un grido
copriva le distanze
E l'aria delle cose diventava

Mare mare mare voglio annegare
Portami lontano a naufragare
Via via via da queste sponde
Portami lontano sulle onde

A wonderful summer
On a solitary beach
Against the sea
"le grand hotel Sea-Gull Magique"
Mentre lontano un minatore bruno

Mare mare mare voglio annegare
Portami lontano a naufragare
Via via via da queste sponde
Portami lontano sulle onde

Summer on a Solitary Beach © 1981 Franco Battiato

With "Summer on a Solitary Beach" Battiato wanted to evoke a metaphysical beach like might be found in certain fantasy fiction writers he'd read.

We spent the summer
on a solitary beach,
and the echo of an outdoor cinema arrived there.
And on the beach, the tropical heat
from the sea.
And in the afternoon
when the sun nourished us,
every once in a while a shout
covered the distances
and the air of things became

Sea, sea, sea, I want to drown.
Carry me far away to shipwreck,
away, away, away from these shores,
carry me far away on the waves

A wonderful summer
on a solitary beach.
Against the sea
“The Grand Hotel Sea-Gull Magique”
while far away a brown miner

Sea, sea, sea, I want to drown.
Carry me far away to shipwreck,
away, away, away from these shores,
carry me far away on the waves.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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Friday, April 6, 2018

Bandiera bianca - White Flag

Mr. Tamburino non ho voglia di scherzare
Rimettiamoci la maglia
i tempi stanno per cambiare
Siamo figli delle stelle e
pronipoti di sua maestà il denaro

Per fortuna il mio razzismo non mi fa guardare
Quei programmi demenziali
con tribune elettorali
E avete voglia di mettervi profumi e deodoranti
Siete come sabbie mobili tirate giù uh uh

C'è chi si mette degli occhiali da sole
Per avere più carisma e sintomatico mistero
Uh com'è difficile restare padre
quando i figli crescono e le mamme imbiancano

Quante squallide figure
che attraversano il paese
Com'è misera la vita negli abusi di potere

Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca

A Beethoven e Sinatra preferisco l'insalata
A Vivaldi l'uva passa che mi dà più calorie
Uh! com'è difficile restare calmi e indifferenti
Mentre tutti intorno fanno rumore
In quest'epoca di pazzi
ci mancavano gli idioti dell'orrore

Ho sentito degli spari in una via del centro
Quante stupide galline
che si azzuffano per niente
Minima immoralia
Minima immoralia
E sommersi soprattutto
da immondizie musicali

Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca
Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca

Minima immoralia, minima immoralia…

The end, my only friend, this is the end.
Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca…

Bandiera bianca © 1981 Franco Battiato

"Bandiera bianca" is a rant about some aspects of contemporary society that Battiato found most immoral: terrorism, politics, and money. In the first verse, the Dylan reference is followed by a reference to Alan Sorrenti's disco hit Figli delle stelli. The person donning the sunglasses in the third verse is Battiato himself, while the growing kids and pale moms are from a 1954 hit Tutte le mamme. "Minima immoralia" is an inversion of the title of a treatise on ethics, the Magna Moralia, or Great Ethics, based on Aristotle's thinking. The song ends with a refrain taken from an 1849 poem by Arnaldo Fusinato, "The Final Hour of Venice," along with an altered line from The Doors song "The End."

Mr. Tambourine, I’m not joking around,
let’s put on sweaters again,
the times they are about to change.
We are children of the stars and
great-grandchildren of His Majesty the Dollar.

Fortunately my racism doesn’t make me watch
those screwball programs
with electoral debates
and you all want to use perfumes and deodorants,
you’re like shifting sands blown down.

There are those who don sunglasses
to have more charisma and characteristic mystery.
How difficult to remain a father
when kids grow up and the mamas become pale.

So many debased figures
that crisscross the country,
how miserable life is in the abuses of power.

On the bridge flutters a white flag
On the bridge flutters a white flag

I prefer salad to Beethoven and Sinatra,
to Vivaldi, raisins that give me more calories.
How difficult it is to stay calm and indifferent
while everyone around makes noise.
In this period of crazies
we’re missing the idiots of horror (films).

I heard some shots in a street downtown,
so many stupid hens
who fight for nothing –
minor immorality,
minor immorality –
and submerged, most importantly,
by musical garbage.

On the bridge flutters a white flag
On the bridge flutters a white flag

Minor immorality, minor immorality . . .

The end, my only friend, this is the end.
On the bridge flutters a white flag . . .

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Gli uccelli - Birds

Volano gli uccelli volano
Nello spazio tra le nuvole
Con le regole assegnate
A questa parte di universo
Al nostro sistema solare

Aprono le ali
Scendono in picchiata atterrano
meglio di aeroplani
Cambiano le prospettive al mondo
Voli imprevedibili ed ascese velocissime
Traiettorie impercettibili
Codici di geometria esistenziale

Migrano gli uccelli emigrano
Con il cambio di stagione
Giochi di aperture alari
Che nascondono segreti
Di questo sistema solare

Aprono le ali
Scendono in picchiata atterrano
meglio di aeroplani
Cambiano le prospettive al mondo
Voli imprevedibili ed ascese velocissime
Traiettorie impercettibili
Codici di geometria esistenziale

Volano gli uccelli volano
Nello spazio tra le nuvole
Con le regole assegnate
A questa parte di universo
Al nostro sistema solare

Gli uccelli © 1981 Franco Battiato

In the Islamic tradition, birds are a symbol of the immortality of the soul, and Sufis see in them the rebirth of the spirit.

Birds fly, they fly
in the space between the clouds
with the laws assigned
to this part of the universe,
to our solar system.

They open their wings,
they descend in a dive, they land
better than airplanes.
They change the world’s perspectives,
unforeseen flights and rapid ascents,
imperceptible flight paths,
codes of existential geometry.

Birds migrate, they emigrate
with the change of season.
Plays of wingspans
that hide secrets
of this solar system.

They open their wings
they descend in a dive, they land
better than airplanes.
They change outlooks the world over,
unpredictable flights and rapid-fast ascents
imperceptible flight patterns,
codes of existential geometry.

Birds fly, they fly
in the space between the clouds
with the laws assigned
to this part of the universe,
to our solar system.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Cuccurucucù paloma
Ahiaiaiaiai cantava
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh paloma
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai cantava

Le serenate all'istituto magistrale
Nell'ora di ginnastica o di religione
Per carnevale suonavo sopra i carri in maschera
Avevo già la Luna e Urano nel Leone
Il mare nel cassetto le mille bolle blu
Da quando sei andata via non esisto più
Il mondo è grigio il mondo è blu

Cuccurucucù paloma
Ahiaiaiaiai cantava
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh paloma
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai cantava

L'ira funesta dei profughi afghani
Che dal confine si spostarono nell'Iran
Cantami o diva dei pellerossa americani
Le gesta erotiche di Squaw Pelle di Luna
Le penne stilografiche con l'inchiostro blu
La barba col rasoio elettrico non la faccio più
Il mondo è grigio il mondo è blu

Cuccurucucù paloma
Ahiaiaiaiai cantava
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh paloma
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai cantava

Lady Madonna, I can try
With a little help from my friends
Oh, goodbye Ruby Tuesday
Come on baby let's twist again
Once upon a time you dressed so fine, Mary
Like just a woman, like a rolling stone

Cuccurucucù paloma
Ahiaiaiaiai cantava
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh paloma
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai cantava

Cuccurucucù © 1981 Franco Battiato

The onomatopoeic word "cuccurucucù" was common to hear in South American songs of the 1920s and '30s. The refrain used here is based on the 1954 song "Cucurrucucú paloma," which Battiato used to convey nostalgia for the freedom and good times he experienced growing up in Sicily. In the first verse, there's an astrological reference: the moon relates to emotions and desires, and Uranus is known as an awakening force; Leo is a sign that is dramatic, flamboyant and expressive. Next appear two songs presented in 1961 at the Festival of San Remo, "Il mare nel cassetto" by Milva and "Le mille bolle blu" by Mina. The second verse is an adaptation of the Prologue of The Iliad. The final version is a mashup of lyrics from The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Chubby Checker and Dylan.

Cuccurucucù rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiai it sang
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai it sang

The serenades at the teacher training school
in the period for gymnastics or religion.
For Carneval I played music on the floats in mask,
I already had the moon and Uranus in Leo.
The sea in the drawer, the thousand blue bubbles.
Since you went away I don’t exist anymore.
The world is gray, the world is blue.

Cuccurucucù rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiai it sang
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai it sang

The dire anger of the Afghan refugees
who from the border moved to Iran.
Sing to me oh Diva of the Native Americans,
the erotic deeds of Squaw Moon Skin,
the fountain pens with blue ink,
the beard with electric razor I no longer shave.
The world is gray, the world is blue.

Cuccurucucù rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiai it sang
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai it sang

Lady Madonna, I can try
with a little help from my friends.
Oh, goodbye Ruby Tuesday,
come on baby let's twist again.
Once upon a time you dressed so fine, Mary,
like just a woman, like a rolling stone.

Cuccurucucù rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiai it sang
Cuccurucucucucu-u-uh rock dove
Ahiaiaiaiaiaiaiai it sang

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Segnali di vita - Signs of Life

Il tempo cambia molte cose nella vita
Il senso le amicizie le opinioni
Che voglia di cambiare che c'è in me

Si sente il bisogno di una propria evoluzione
Sganciata dalle regole comuni
Da questa falsa personalità

Segnali di vita nei cortili
e nelle case all'imbrunire
Le luci fanno ricordare
Le meccaniche celesti

Rumori che fanno sottofondo per le stelle
Lo spazio cosmico si sta ingrandendo
E le galassie si allontanano

Ti accorgi di come vola bassa la mia mente?
È colpa dei pensieri associativi
Se non riesco a stare adesso qui

Segnali di vita nei cortili
e nelle case all'imbrunire
Le luci fanno ricordare
Le meccaniche celesti

Segnali di vita © 1981 Franco Battiato

Time changes many things in life –
sensation, friends, opinions,
what desire to change that there is in me.

One feels the need of a proper evolution
unhooked from the common rules,
from this false personality.

Signs of life in the courtyards
and in the houses at dusk.
The lights remind one of
the mechanical heavens.

Sounds that make a background for the stars.
Outer space is expanding
and the galaxies become more distant.

Do you notice how low my mind flies?
It’s the fault of the associative thoughts
if I’m not able to be here now.

Signs of life in the courtyards
and in the houses at dusk.
The lights remind one of
the mechanical heavens.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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Monday, April 2, 2018

Centro di gravità permanente - Permanent Center of Gravity

Una vecchia bretone
Con un cappello e un ombrello
di carta di riso e canna di bambù
Capitani coraggiosi
Furbi contrabbandieri macedoni
Gesuiti euclidei
Vestiti come dei bonzi
per entrare a corte degli imperatori
Della dinastia dei Ming

Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Avrei bisogno di...
Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Over and over again

Per le strade di Pechino erano giorni di maggio
Tra noi si scherzava
a raccogliere ortiche
Non sopporto i cori russi
La musica finto rock la new wave italiana
il free jazz punk inglese
Neanche la nera africana

Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Avrei bisogno di...
Cerco un centro di gravità permanente
Che non mi faccia mai cambiare idea
sulle cose sulla gente
Over and over again

Uh... wo-cciuwariwari wo-cciuwariwari
You are a woman in love
Baby I need your love
I want your love
Over and over again
Come in into my life
Baby, I want to give you my soul
Baby, I need your love
I need...

Centro di gravità permanente © 1981 Franco Battiato

Battiato said of "Centro di gravità permanente" that finding one's center is the objective of all the mystic traditions. It means discovering that part of yourself that is immobile and can silently observe the passing of thoughts and events.

An old Breton woman
with a hat and an umbrella
of rice paper and bamboo reed.
Courageous captains,
sly Macedonian smugglers,
Euclidean Jesuits
dressed like Buddhist monks
to enter the court of the emperors
of the Ming Dynasty.

I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on things, on people.
I would need . . .
I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on things, on people,
over and over again.

There were May days out in the streets of Beijing.
Among ourselves, kidding around
about collecting nettles.
I can’t stand Russian choruses,
fake rock music, Italian New Wave,
free jazz, English punk,
not even black African.

I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on the things, on the people
I would need . . .
I search for a permanent center of gravity
that never makes me change my mind
on things, on people,
over and over again.

Uh... wo-cciuwariwari wo-cciuwariwari
You are a woman in love
Baby I need your love
I want your love
Over and over again
Come in into my life
Baby, I want to give you my soul
Baby, I need your love
I need...

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Sentimiento nuevo - New Feeling

Es un sentimiento nuevo
Che mi tiene alta la vita
La passione nella gola
L'eros che si fa parola
Le tue strane inibizioni
Non fanno parte del sesso
I desideri mitici di prostitute libiche
Il senso del possesso che fu pre-alessandrino
La tua voce come il coro
delle sirene di Ulisse m'incatena
Ed è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo
è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo

Tutti i muscoli del corpo
Pronti per l'accoppiamento
Nel Giappone delle geishe
Si abbandonano all'amore
Le tue strane inibizioni
Che scatenano il piacere
Lo shivaismo tantrico
Di stile dionisiaco
La lotta pornografica dei Greci e dei Latini
La tua pelle come un'oasi
nel deserto ancora mi cattura
Ed è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo
è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo

I desideri mitici di prostitute libiche
Il senso del possesso che fu pre-alessandrino
La tua voce come il coro
delle sirene di Ulisse m'incatena
Ed è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo
è bellissimo perdersi in quest'incantesimo

Sentimiento nuevo © 1981 Franco Battiato

"Sentimiento nuevo" is about the joy of losing yourself in the most carnal aspect of love, a theme Battiato will return to in future albums, though it is not a theme he is known to have experienced much in his own life.

It’s a new feeling
that lifts up my life –
the passion in the throat,
the eros that is made word.
Your strange inhibitions
are not part of sex –
the mythic desires of the Libyan prostitutes,
the pre-Alexandrian sense of possession,
your voice like the chorus
of the Sirens of Ulysses enchants me.
And it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment,
it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment.

All the muscles of the body,
ready for mating.
In the Japan of the Geishas
they abandoned themselves to love.
Your strange inhibitions
that stir up pleasure –
the tantric Shivism
Dionysian style,
the pornographic struggle of the Greeks and Latins.
Your skin like an oasis
in the desert still captures me.
And it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment,
it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment.

The mythic desire of the Lybian prostitutes,
the pre-Alexandrian sense of possession.
Your voice like the chorus
of the Sirens of Ulysses enchants me.
And it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment,
it’s beautiful to lose oneself in this enchantment.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

La voce del padrone was released in 1981 and was the first Italian pop album to sell more than a million copies, remaining on the charts for more than a year after its release. Intellectual pop, refined, yet danceable and accessible to a wide audience - the album really hit the mark both artistically and commercially. The album title derives from the work of Gurdjieff, whom Battiato began studying in 1975. It refers to the higher consciousness that an awakened person can use to direct their physical, emotional and psychological impulses.
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