Saturday, March 2, 2019

Medievale - Medieval

Sdraiato su un'amaca
A prendere il sole
Leggendo un libro
Di poesia medievale
“Amor quando mi membra
Li temporal che vanno
Che m'han tenuto danno
Già non é maraviglia s'io sconforto
Però talor mi sembra
Ciascuna gioia affanno
E lealtate inganno
E ciascuna ragion mi pare torto”

Un fascio di serici sogni
Incorona le notti e i riposi
Un balzo di tigre inquieta
Mi sveglia al giorno
E paremi vedere
Fera dismisuranza
Chi buon'uso e leanza
Voglia a lo mondo
Già mai mantenere
Più che'n gran soperchianza
Torna per me piacere
E'n gran follia savere
Per ch'io son stato lasso,
in gran erranza

“Amor quando mi membra
Li temporal che vanno
Che m'han tenuto danno
Già non é maraviglia s'io sconforto
Però talor mi sembra
Ciascuna gioia affanno
E lealtate inganno
E ciascuna ragion mi pare torto”

Medievale © 1999 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

"Medievale" includes the first part of a poem, Amor, quando mi membra, by the 13th century Florentine poet Bondie Dietaiuti.

Stretched out on a hammock
to take in the sun,
reading a book
of medieval poetry -
“Love, when I remember
the times that run,
that did me harm,
it’s not strange if I get discouraged.
Because already it seems to me
that every joy is breathless,
and loyalty is a trick,
and every right is a wrong.”

A bundle of silky dreams
crowns the nights and periods of rest.
A leap of restless tiger
wakens me to the day,
and he seems to me to view
cruel excess towards
whoever wants to preserve
good dress and loyalties
in the world.
Inasmuch as it transforms into grave excess
my pleasure,
and into great folly the knowing,
given that I fell,
into grievous fault.

“Love, when I remember
the times that run,
that did me harm,
it’s not strange if I get discouraged.
Because already it seems to me
that every joy is breathless,
and loyalty is a trick,
and every right is a wrong.”

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

Fleurs was released in 1999. A collection of mostly covers, it includes two previously unreleased songs by Battiato/Sgalambro.
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