Sunday, December 2, 2018

Un vecchio cameriere - An Old Waiter

Splendore inconsumato
Di tutto l'universo, fiato
Punto fermo del cosmo:
Terra, desolata..........
Qualcuno ci lancia nella vita
Questa nella coscienza:
Anche quella di un povero commesso
Che nel tempo stesso
Apre gli occhi rabbrividendo
Al giorno
Che gli ghigna attorno
Ein alter Kellner

Un vecchio cameriere
Anche la sua coscienza
Getta sulla terra -
Dolori e sofferenza
I piedi che gli dolgono
La moglie pazza
E quanto gliene viene
Dal fatto che egli è un uomo
E appartiene alla razza

Un giorno amò
Ora si fa il bucato
Sognando il re che sarebbe stato
Mentre il pensiero di te
Si unisce a quel che penso
E i cicli del mondo si susseguono
Issami su corde per vie canoniche
Ascendendo e discendendo
Non fate crescere niente
Su questa terra
Ein alter Kellner

Un vecchio cameriere
Anche la sua coscienza
Getta sulla terra -
Dolori e sofferenza
I piedi che gli dolgono
La moglie pazza
E quanto gliene viene
Dal fatto che egli è un uomo
E appartiene alla razza
Non fate crescere niente
Su questa terra
Ein alter Kellner

Un vecchio cameriere © 1995 Franco Battiato & Manlio Sgalambro

Battiato set the lyrics of "Un vecchio cameriere" in the Adagio of Franz Joseph Haydn's String Quartet in D Major, Op. 64.

Consumed splendor
of the entire universe, breathless
end point of the cosmos:
Earth, desolate . . . . . . . .
Someone throws us into life,
this into consciousness:
even that of a poor clerk
who at the same time
opens his eyes cringing
at the day
that sneers at him round about.
Another Kellner.

An old waiter,
even his consciousness
drops onto earth –
pains and suffering,
his aching feet,
the crazy wife.
And what comes to him
of the fact that he is a man
and belongs to the race?

One day he loved.
Now the laundry is done
dreaming of the king he would have been.
While the thought of you
combines with that which I think
and the cycles of the world follow each other.
Boost me by ropes onto canonical pathways,
ascending and descending.
Don’t make anything grow
on this land.
Another Kellner.

An old waiter,
even his consciousness
drops onto earth –
pains and suffering,
his aching feet,
the crazy wife.
And what comes to him
of the fact that he is a man
and belongs to the race?
Don’t make anything grow
on this land.
Another Kellner.

English translation © 2020 Dennis Criteser

L'ombrella e la macchina da cucire was released in 1995. It was recorded at Battiato's home using only electronic instruments, and for him it was somewhat of a return to the musical experimentation that characterized his 1970s work. The lyrics were written by Manlio Sgalambro, the Sicilian philosopher who said that, for him, Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit sung like music in his ears. References to philosophy and literature abound; the title of the album is taken from a line by the French poet Isidore Ducasse: "Beautiful as a chance encounter between a sewing machine and an umbrella on an operating table." This line, according to Max Ernst, is the key to understanding surrealist poetry - "the search for beauty through the pairing of two seemingly irreconcilable realities." Battiato felt liberated by not having to write lyrics, and he was stimulated to explore and discover new musical realms by the different aesthetic that Sgalambro brought to wordsmithing, one that flows from a man in many ways the opposite of Battiato. Sgalambro described it this way: "Spiritual, transcendent, ascetic the first [Battiato]. Materialist, fleeting, anti-poetic, even cynical, the second [Sgalambro]."
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